
Revive Adserver (phpAdsNew) / News: Recent posts

Openads 2.0.11-pr1 Release


All users are advised to upgrade to the latest version of Openads. This release fixes a recently discovered HTTP Response Splitting vulnerability.

Every user is urged to upgrade!

Users of MMM 0.1 can view the changes to apply at

Posted by acoupland 2007-04-12

Openads 2.0.10 released!


All users are advised to upgrade to the latest version of Openads. This
release fixes a recently discovered vulnerability and includes some new
features and bug fixes.

New in this release:
* Fixed XSS vulnerability.
* Google AdSense click tracking integration.
* Auto-maintenance, now there's no need to set up cron job for basic users.
* A new Openads themed logo

See the changelog for a full list of changes

Posted by Matteo Beccati 2007-01-18

phpAdsNew 2.0.9-pr1 released!

We to announce the release of phpAdsNew 2.0.9-pr1. This release contains some
important bug fixes over the recent 2.0.9 release.

Most notabily:
- restored compatibility with PHP 4.1.x and 4.2.x;
- fixed reports on PHP >= 4.4.2.

All users are advised to upgrade!

Posted by Matteo Beccati 2006-11-10

phpAdsNew and phpPgAds 2.0.9 released!

We're happy to announce the release of phpAdsNew and phpPgAds 2.0.9. This
release contains a number of bug fixes and improvements made during the last

Most notabily:
- enhanced SWF hard-coded links converter, which is now capable of handling
many more Flash banner coding styles;
- improved PHP5 compatibility (no need to enable register_long_arrays

Of course, this release includes the security fix already added in versions
2.0.8-pr1. See the changelog for a full list.... read more

Posted by Matteo Beccati 2006-11-08

phpAdsNew and phpPgAds 2.0.8-pr1 released!


phpAdsNew 2.0.8-pr1 was released to fix a vulnerability that was recently

Every user is urged to upgrade!

This release contains no other fixes or improvements from 2.0.8 because
there was not enough time to fully test the recent changes and mark the
current development version as stable. A new full featured release is
scheduled to be available in the next few weeks, however we wish to
stress that upgrading to 2.0.8-pr1 is strongly advised.... read more

Posted by Matteo Beccati 2006-10-23

Our new forums are also online!

The last month was a bit quiet on our forums, but that doesnt mean we didnt do anything. In fact, Matteo did a lot of work on setting up a completely new forum based on IPB. He also managed to move over all the old posts and user-accounts. If you were a regular poster on the old forums you should have gotten an e-mail containing details on how to re-activate your old account. If you did not receive this e-mail, please take a look at our account re-activation page available in the support section of our website. ... read more

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2003-09-30

New website online!

It took a couple of weeks to design, create the HTML and write the backend, but as you can see the new website is finally online. We hope you like the new look and in the future will add additional information to even make it more complete. For now, we think the most important information is online. In addition to the new website we also have made some changes to the News page. It is now possible to add comments to news messages and look into the archive of old news items.

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2003-09-30

phpAdsNew 2.0 released!

Its two oclock at night as I write this. After a very long day weve got everything in order to finally release phpAdsNew 2.0. I was going to write a very long piece detailing the history of phpAdsNew and how things progressed from 1.9.2 to 2.0 but I really want to get some sleep, so that will have to wait until tomorrow :)

So I will get to the point. phpAdsNew is now officially released and available for download immediately. Feature wise it hasnt changed much since the last release candidate, but that will probably not be a surprise. Compared to 1.9.2 well, lets just say that 2 and a half years of development should be enough to give you a lot of new features.... read more

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2003-09-30

4 days to go phpAdsNew 2 is coming

If everything goes according to plan we are going to release the final of phpAdsNew on monday 29 september. But that is not all, we are also going to reveil our new website which also includes the new forums.

Features and bugfixes
As you may have noticed, phpAdsNew 2.0 is feature-frozen. So the only changes we are going to make in the next few days are fixes to show-stopper bugs. If anyone can provide more information on the following reported bugs we will try to include a fix, otherwise these bugs will be investigated after the release.
- read more

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2003-09-25

phpAdsNew 2 RC 4 released

No long story today, just this little note. phpAdsNew 2 RC 4 is finally available for download. It has a couple of new features, but mostly it has a large number of bugfixes. For a complete list of all the changes, please see the changelog file included in the package.

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2003-07-08

Open letter to all phpAdsNew users

Over the last two and a half years Ive been working on phpAdsNew, first as a regular developer and later as the project leader. Most of the time I really enjoyed this project and generally I have had a really good time. What I am going to say next is something that has been bothering me for a while now, and it is important for me to let everybody know how I feel.

Read more here:

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2003-07-02

IMPORTANT: phpAdsNew Security advisory!

During the release process of rc 3 we were made aware by Sebastian Marquez of a SERIOUS security problem in phpAdsNew. The problem is caused by the Remote invocation for XML-RPC code and allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on your server. A detailed description of the problem will be published by Sebastian later on.


Posted by Niels Leenheer 2003-04-03

phpAdsNew 2 rc 3 available

In the three months since the release of rc 2 we have been working hard on this version. We were able to fix a lot of bugs and because of this we now think the final release of phpAdsNew 2.0 is coming closer and closer. The feedback that we get on this release will decide what we will do regarding the schedule for phpAdsNew 2.0.

The first things you probably will notice after upgrading to rc 3 are the new graphics and icons. Almost every icon was re-created from scratch. The same thing applies to the login and installation graphics, which we based on the Windows XP icon style.... read more

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2003-04-03

phpAdsNew 2 RC 2 released

Just a short announcement: phpAdsNew 2 RC 2 is now available for download. Existing users of RC 1 which are experiencing problems with direct selection are encouraged to upgrade. If you are not using direct selection and you didn't experience problems during the upgrade (or manually fixed those problems) there is no need to upgrade.

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2003-01-08

phpAdsNew 2 RC 1 released

After a couple of false starts, the first release candidate of phpAdsNew 2 is released. The last couple of weeks the release was delayed a couple of times because of time constraints and bug-fixes and retests.

Compared to Beta 7 there are some great new features and some big changes. For a complete list please see the Changelog, but the most important I will mention below.

Thanks to both MaxMind and IP2Country we now offer support for geotargeting in phpAdsNew. It is based on the existing delivery limitations and can be a big help in targeting banners to the right audience. To enable this feature you will need a geotargeting database which can be bought from our own website. Also if you want to try out this feature a free version of the GeoIP database courtesy of MaxMind can be downloaded from our website.... read more

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2003-01-06

phpAdsNew weblog online!

If you want to know the latest news about phpAdsNew, how the development is progressing or just want to hear about other interesting stuff take a look at our weblog:

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2002-12-11

New development build and website online

As of today our new website is online. The website is primary created to give potential users an idea of what phpAdsNew exactly is. We are already working on the next version of the website which will include much more information, including the banners which we requested a while ago. The address of the website is

Together with the website weve also released a new development build which should fix many of the reported bugs which were present in beta 7. There are also some new features such as geotracking (more information on the website) and support for SSL.

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2002-09-16

We want your banners

As you probably know, the release of phpAdsNew 2 is coming closer and closer. We are working very hard on finishing the development and at the same time we've started working on our own website. We currently don't have a website of our own, so we really don't have anything to show potential users what phpAdsNew can do for them.

One part of the new website will feature a demonstration of the abilities of phpAdsNew and we need your help to create it. We are looking for banners to show on our website. That's right, in this part of the website we want to show banners of websites which are using phpAdsNew. So if you're website is using phpAdsNew and you want your banner to be shown on the phpAdsNew website you can send them to us ( We're not only looking for regular 468x60 banners, but also larger and smaller ones. Depending on how many banners we recieve, we will pick the best ones.

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2002-08-10

PhpAdsNew 2 Beta 7 is finally here!

I know many people have been eagerly awaiting this release for the past six months and I am proud to announce the release of Beta 7. Okay, its a bit later than originally intended but I think you will know why it took so long when you install this release. So people stop sending me questions about when phpAdsNew 2.0 will be released :)

The number of new features in Beta 7 are simply too numerous to list here, but for everyone who is interested there is a complete list in the Changelog file. There are a couple of things I should mention, like the new installer, many optimisations to increase the speed and the new documentation. Also we have now support for multiple publishers, a priority system and full support for Flash files.... read more

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2002-07-24

phpAdsNew 2 Beta 7 almost finished

Its been over four months since the last beta version of phpAdsNew 2.0.

First of all, Beta 6.1 was a step in the right direction and added a lot of new features. After the release of Beta 6.1 we decided to make one last beta version before the final release. It was our intention to release it pretty quickly after Beta 6.1, but during the development we decided to postpone the release because we really wanted to add some essential features.... read more

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2002-02-25

phpAdsNew survey online

To help us develop phpAdsNew we need a lot of feedback. What is good about phpAdsNew and what is bad. What can be improved and what needs to be added.

Please take our survey, so we can focus our efforts on the things you find important:

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2001-12-16

Fix for new exploit and phpAdsNew 2 beta 6.1 released

Today a user discovered an exploit which could potentially be dangerous.
I have created a fix for this problem and it is included in phpAdsNew 2 beta 6.1
All users of beta 6 should upgrade to 6.1 as soon as possible.

Unfortunately all previous versions of phpAdsNew are also affected by this exploit and should be fixed too. Below you will find instruction on how to fix the problem for 1.9.2, beta 3 and beta 5.... read more

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2001-10-16

phpAdsNew 2 beta 6 released

It took over 4 months, but beta 6 is finally ready. There are a lot of improvements and a lot of new features. It took a while, but I think beta 6 will be a big improvement over older versions.

Traditionally phpAdsNew needed to be configured in the invocation code. If you wanted to change which banner was displayed on a certain location you needed to edit the invocation code. Although this approach can be very powerful it is a bit cumbersome to maintain. Beta 6 introduces zones. Instead of using the invocation code to decide which banner will be shown, you can use a zone in the invocation code and determine which banners will be shown for each zone in the admin interface. Although this approach is a bit less powerful, it will be a great addition for those who dont need all the extra power.... read more

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2001-10-13

phpAdsNew reviewed by

A couple of months ago Garth Gillespie reviewed phpAdsNew Beta 3 for Although the article has been online for a while, I came across the article just yesterday. The article is quite favorable and might be an interesting read.

The full article can be found here:,3,1,0530,01.html

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2001-10-09

phpPgAds moved to Sourceforge

As you may already know Greatbridge has ceased operations. Although Greatbridge tried to keep their development community online they finally decided to pull the plug.
Unfortunately the phpPgAds project - hosted by Greatbridge - was affected by their problems. In order to make sure development on the PostgeSQL port of phpAdsNew continues, Matteo decided to move the project to Sourceforge.

The new address of the phpPgAds project will be

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2001-10-07