
Revive Adserver (phpAdsNew) / News: Recent posts

Translators wanted

PhpAdsNew supports a large number of languages and this number is still increasing. Lately we have added support for Swedish, Norwegian, Turkish and Chinese. Most of the different languages are being actively maintained, but some have not been update in a long while. If these languages dont get updated soon, I am afraid we will have to drop support and remove it from the official distribution. It doesnt make sense to include these, if they only include partial translations.... read more

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2001-09-04

Development builds

The development of phpAdsNew is a long-term process and not every bug fix will result in an immediate release of new beta. The result is that new features may take a while before they are available as a simple download. Of course it is possible to manually download all the files from the CVS, but this is too much work for a lot of people.

To solve this problem I will release development build next to the official betas. Every time a big new feature is added a new development build will be released. This way you will be able to get access to the new features sooner and we will get feedback on possible problem earlier. Please note: the development builds are highly experimental, but if you want all the new features right away these builds should be much easier to download.... read more

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2001-09-04

Vacation is over, back to work!

As some of you may have noticed Ive been away for a while and development on phpAdsNew has slowed down for a while. Ive just returned from a short holiday in Scotland and I am ready to return to work. In the next couple of weeks a new beta of phpAdsNew will be released with a lot of new features. Stay tuned!


Posted by Niels Leenheer 2001-09-04

phpAdsNew 2 beta 5

Immediately after the release of beta 4 it became clear there were some problems with PHP3. This release is intended to fix these problems.

Although this release is intended to fix PHP3 related bugs, it is also worthwhile for PHP4 uses. Beta 4 worked quite good, but had a few little bugs, most of these bugs are also fixed with this release.

This release has a few additions over beta 4:
- Clients can now deactivate and/or activate their own banners, if permitted
- Banner invocation code generator
- Support for passing ISMAP click location

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2001-06-10

phpAdsNew beta 4

Since the release of beta 2 Ive been working very hard on the next step towards the release of phpAdsNew 2.0.

The main addition in PhpAdsNew 2 beta 4 is the long awaited support for Campaigns. Furthermore the GUI has been updated, iframes are supported, mail.php has been replaced by a better maintenance script and Ive created a plug in interface for reports, including some sample plugins.

Campaigns are a large improvement over previous way of organizing banners. Clients still exists, but only contain contact information. A client can contain multiple campaigns, which all can have different contract information. For example one client can have one set of banners, which will expire after a specific time, while another set expires after a number of impressions. Because clients dont have any contract information anymore the Client weight has been replaced with Campaign weight.... read more

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2001-06-03

PostgreSQL port for phpAdsNew

Matteo Beccati (ciaccia) has just released phpPgAds 1.0, a PostgreSQL port of phpAdsNew. The 1.0 release is based on phpAdsNew 2 beta 3 and requires PHP4 and PostgreSQL 7.0.

More information about phpPgAds can be found at

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2001-06-03

phpAdsNew 2 beta 3 released

Beta 3 of phpAdsNew 2 will fix most outstanding issues with beta 2. All users of beta 2 are encouraged to update to beta 3.

There are a couple of minor new features in this release such as:
- Support for target url variable for use with Flash banners
- Support for timestamp variable for use with HTML banners
- Added support for single quotes in HTML banners
- ACL checking can be disabled in the configuration file... read more

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2001-05-09

phpAdsNew most active project on SF

phpAdsNew was one of the most active project on SourceForge for the last couple of month, we've been in the top ten consistently, even taking the number 2 position on good days. Today, April 23, we finally did it. phpAdsNew is the most active project on SouceForge!!

For the first time we were more active than SourceForge itself, which usually takes the number 1 position. A first in the history of phpAdsNew, maybe even in the history of SourceForge.

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2001-04-24

phpAdsNew 2 beta 2

phpAdsNew 2 beta 2 is released to solve some problems users were having with beta 1. This release also includes some new features that were not ready for the release of beta 1.

Improvements of beta 2 over beta 1:
- Client weight
- Activation and expiration date
- Banners stored on the web server (local or FTP)
- Tool for converting verbose to compact statistics
- Speed issues of the main admin page largely resolved... read more

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2001-04-22

phpAdsNew 2 beta 1 released

There have been a lot of changes since phpAdsNew 1.9.2, this first beta of phpAdsNew 2 is the first step towards a more mature and more stable banner management system.

New features of phpAdsNew 2
- A new user interface
- More and better statistics (*1)
- Completely rewritten and more extensive documentation
- An extension to the API, the what parameter is much more powerful
- Rules: the ability to make a banner selection from the admin interface (*2)
- Campaigns, multiple expiration settings per client (*2)
- Start dates for campaigns (*2)
- The ability to move banners to other campaigns (*2)
- The ability to move campaigns to other clients (*2)
- Support for cache busters
- The ability to convert verbose statistics to the new compact statistics (*2)
- Client preferences including language, which can be changed by the client (if permitted by the administrator)
- Client can edit their own banners (if permitted by the administrator)... read more

Posted by Niels Leenheer 2001-04-10

The road ahead


Let's start with some history first. Back in 1999, Tobias Ratschiller released version 0.9 of phpAds. In the next year, he added logs of features, fixed lots of bugs and made phpAds a must for the small sites using php. In May 2000, he released version 1.4.0, which was quite stable but also had quite a few annoying bugs. We haven't heard from Tobias ever since. So in September, I took the GPL'ed code and started phpAdsNew, releasing version 1.4.9 on September 14. It has since grown to become one of the top 5 projects in terms of activity on SourceForge.
In February, I was forced to temporarily hand over the administration of the project to Phil Hord due to busy schedule. However, I'll be back very soon... working on...... read more

Posted by Wim Godden 2001-03-14

1.9.0 Released

Lots of changes, but things appear stable. Please read the UPGRADE document as there's a new SQL table.

Posted by Phil Hord 2001-03-01

Project status

Just a few notes about the current state of phpAdsNew :
- Wim Godden (wimg) will not be available for several weeks due to too many business activities
- Phil Hord (phord) will take over the administration of the project and will be in charge of implementing bug fixes and new features. He will also release new versions
- Credic Fontaine (peoman) has joined the developers team.
- phpAdsNew is the 3rd most active project on SourceForge !!!!!

Posted by Wim Godden 2001-02-27

1.8.0 on CVS

Anyone willing to try out 1.8.0 can get it from CVS. I can't get it uploaded as a tar.gz or zip, as there's a problem with the sourceforge server.

Posted by Wim Godden 2001-01-06

1.7.1 fixes login problems

1.7.1 fixes the annoying login problems

Posted by Wim Godden 2000-12-17

1.7.0 released

I've just released 1.7.0, not 1.6.4. There were enough important changes to make it a new "minor" release version.
The banner weighing issues haven't been solved yet. Phill has sent me some code, but I haven't had the time to look at it yet. Something for 1.8, I guess :-)

Posted by Wim Godden 2000-12-17

phpAdsNew 1.6.3 fixes bug which sets banners to inactive

Download this release as soon as possible, as some of your banners may be set to inactive.

Posted by Wim Godden 2000-11-30

phpAdsNew 1.6.0 out

phpAdsNew 1.6.0 is out now, with tons of new features and bug fixes.

Posted by Wim Godden 2000-11-25

Send bugfixes and patches

Send any bugfixes and patches to !

Posted by Wim Godden 2000-11-06

More developers needed

To continue development, more developers are needed. 1 person can't sort out all the bugs submitted here.

Posted by Wim Godden 2000-09-21