
How to get 4:3 picture format ?

  • sman

    sman - 2009-10-20

    the default format of the picture frame editor is 16:9, how can I get a 4:3 format?

  • jensgoe

    jensgoe - 2009-10-21

    Currently there is no option to change the format (aspect-ratio). If you are familiar with editing source code, i can give you instructions where to make changes. Otherwise be patient, the next version (1.3) will have an option. The next release is planned for november.

  • sman

    sman - 2009-11-10

    I downloaded the current version (1.3) but I can't find the option for changing the format (aspect-ratio) to 4:3.
    Where can I find it?

  • Peter Kootsookos

    Hi Jens, Apologies for resurrecting an old thread!

    Would it be possible for you to let us know what we need to change in the aspect ratio? I've tried editing the "aspect" ratio directly in the property table of the project file, but that doesn't seem to do anything.

    Any pointers apprecated!

    OK, I got the latest sources and can hack that:

    • medium = OutputProfile("Medium", 4000, (640, 360))
    • medium = OutputProfile("Medium", 4000, (640, 480))

    in and it generates the right aspect ratio (for my needs).

    However, I'll dig and see if there's a CLI switch...


    Last edit: Peter Kootsookos 2015-08-27
    • jensgoe

      jensgoe - 2015-08-28

      Hi Peter,

      Currently it is not possible to change the aspect ratio for an existing project. So i see you are familiar with sqlite3 and you changed the aspect field directly in the database. This does work almost ;-) , but it does not apply to all adjusted rectangles for the images automatically. You have two
      choices to work around.
      First you open the project (were you changed the
      aspect in the database) in PhotoFilmStrip application and you do a litte resize for all rectangles. During resize the aspect apply. I know thats very annoying if you have a lot of pictures in your project.
      The second choice would be to do this directly in the database. There is a "picture" table with fields "start_width", "start_height", "target_width" and "target_height". These are the sizes for the rectangles. You have to iterate over all pictures and change the sizes. Maybe you can do it with a SQL update query like: "update picture set start_height=start_width/1.3333, target_height=target_width/1.33333". The problem is, that the rectangles are maybe outside the border of the images. Then you have to take care that "start_left+start_width<width" and so on. Because of this problem i do not allow to change the aspect for an existing project. I think it is too annoying for a user if all adjusted rectangles the user may already have done are misplaced.

      I hope this helps you a little bit.


      Last edit: jensgoe 2015-08-28

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