
PhoSho / Blog: Recent posts

It's gone live....

Well, after a month of work, tweaking the code, adding new features, writing documentation and hoping that I've got it all correct, I've finally published the project!

Now I have to wait for someone to download and try it :)

Posted by Daniel Freedman 2012-12-05

Another week flies by...

Another busy week on PhoSho development! I've sorted something out with the European Union Cookie Policy code, and got it working to my satisfaction. I started working on the system documentation, but I've not been too impressed with the wiki facilities offered by sourceforge, particularly in terms of including images on the wiki pages. I can upload lots of images and have then referenced by the text, but they also appear as an ugly block of "attachments" at the top of the relevant wiki page.... read more

Posted by Daniel Freedman 2012-11-30

EU Cookies

Ok, so I've been looking at the European Union Cookie Policy and trying to figure out how to make PhoSho compliant with it. The policy is all about informing users if the site uses "non-essential" cookies, and asking for their consent. Essential cookies are used for logins, for shopping carts etc, and non-essential cookies are the ones the site can do without, such as advertising or visitor tracking cookies.... read more

Posted by Daniel Freedman 2012-11-23

So it's been a week...

... and I'm still working on updating the code. It's pretty much all done now, the system works as it used to when it was Pixelpost. I've added in some new features, as follows:

  • You can now specify to have the images resized when you upload them (It'll resize based on one length, so it'll set landscape pics to a maximum width, and portrait pics to a maximum height. It won't enlarge the pics, it'll only reduce them.
  • You have the option to resize pics on the image edit screen, so you can resize photos you've already uploaded. You can also choose to rotate pics on the image edit screen as well (only multiples of 90 degrees though)
  • The program should upgrade itself properly when it's installed over an existing Pixelpost installation
  • I've created a new tag which will provide a link to the admin screen. This tag is included by default on the top menu of the supplied templates; users can delete it if they wish.... read more
Posted by Daniel Freedman 2012-11-20

First steps

It now looks like the Pixelpost project is no more. The website ( shows a page saying "account suspended", so I've taken it upon myself to take the Pixelpost code and update it so that it runs on more modern back-ends. I discovered that the code was out of date when I started to modify it for a small project for my family tree (basically, a database of headstones and a list of who the people are and where they were buried). Rewriting the code for the headstones database prompted me to update the main system as well.... read more

Posted by Daniel Freedman 2012-11-12