
#212 Download breaks repeatedly


Here's my DownloadLog:

070926 06:53:38,0653::Allocating as good candidate.
070926 06:53:38,0653::Wait for connect slot
070926 06:53:38,0653::Connecting to IP
070926 06:53:38,0653::Setting status to Verbinde... and raise timeout from 1190789618653 to 1190789618653(0) Reason:null. OldStatus: CONNECTION_FAILED
070926 06:53:38,0807::Connected successfully to IP
070926 06:53:38,0944::Start download.
070926 06:53:38,0953::Setting status to Anfrage... and raise timeout from 1190789618953 to 1190789618953(0) Reason:null. OldStatus: CONNECTING
070926 06:53:38,0956::HTTP Request:
GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:SHA! HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Phex
Host: IP
Range: bytes=605638224-605654607
X-Queue: 0.1
Connection: Keep-Alive
X-Alt: MY_IP
X-Node: MY_IP
Chat: MY_IP

070926 06:53:45,0787::HTTP Response:
HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
Server: Phex
Content-Type: application/binary
Content-Length: 16384
Content-Range: bytes 605638224-605654607/738608640
Connection: Keep-Alive
X-Gnutella-Content-URN: urn:sha1:SHA1
X-Alt: IP, IP
X-Thex-URI: /uri-res/N2X?urn:sha1:THEX

070926 06:53:45,0805::Setting status to Lädt... and raise timeout from 1190789625805 to 1190789625805(0) Reason:null. OldStatus: REQUESTING
070926 06:53:53,0496::Is accepting next segment: true
070926 06:53:53,0496::Completed a segment which started at 605638224 and was downloaded at a rate of 2634
070926 06:53:53,0498::Setting status to Anfrage... and raise timeout from 1190789633498 to 1190789633498(0) Reason:null. OldStatus: DOWNLOADING
070926 06:53:53,0498::HTTP Request:
GET /uri-res/N2X?urn:sha1:SHA1 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Phex
Host: IP
X-Queue: 0.1
Connection: Keep-Alive

070926 06:53:54,0099::HTTP Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Phex
Content-Type: application/dime
Content-Length: 34532
X-Gnutella-Content-URN: urn:sha1:SHA1

070926 06:53:54,0099::Setting status to Lädt... and raise timeout from 1190789634099 to 1190789634099(0) Reason:null. OldStatus: REQUESTING
070926 06:54:06,0307::Is accepting next segment: false
070926 06:54:06,0307::Download failed.
070926 06:54:06,
070926 06:54:06,0307::Moving candidate to medium list.
070926 06:54:06,0307::Setting status to Verbindung fehlgeschlagen (1). Warte 0. and raise timeout from 1190789646307 to 1190789766307(120000) Reason:null. OldStatus: DOWNLOADING


  • Arne Babenhauserheide

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    The download goes on after a wait interval:

    070926 06:56:07,0249::Allocating as medium candidate.
    070926 06:56:07,0250::Wait for connect slot IP
    070926 06:56:07,0250::Connecting to IP
    070926 06:56:07,0250::Setting status to Verbinde... and raise timeout from 1190789767250 to 1190789767250(0) Reason:null. OldStatus: CONNECTION_FAILED
    070926 06:56:07,0348::Connected successfully to IP
    070926 06:56:07,0348::Start download.
    070926 06:56:07,0348::Moving candidate to good list.
    070926 06:56:07,0349::Setting status to Anfrage... and raise timeout from 1190789767349 to 1190789767349(0) Reason:null. OldStatus: CONNECTING
    070926 06:56:07,0349::HTTP Request:
    GET /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:SHA1 HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: Phex
    Host: IP
    Range: bytes=648288-726111
    X-Queue: 0.1
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    X-Node: IP
    Chat: IP

  • Gregor K.

    Gregor K. - 2007-09-26

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Please change the try/catch blick around the line


    in to:

    catch ( MalformedURLException exp )
    candidate.addToCandidateLog( exp.toString() );
    candidate.setStatus( CandidateStatus.CONNECTION_FAILED );
    // might need to handle different cases on some try again on others
    // remove
    NLogger.error( DownloadEngine.class, "Error at Host: "
    + candidate.getHostAddress()
    + " Vendor: " + candidate.getVendor(), exp );
    catch ( IOException exp )
    candidate.addToCandidateLog( exp.toString() );
    candidate.setStatus( CandidateStatus.CONNECTION_FAILED );
    // might need to handle different cases on some try again on others
    // remove
    NLogger.warn( DownloadEngine.class, "Error at Host: "
    + candidate.getHostAddress()
    + " Vendor: " + candidate.getVendor(), exp );

    and try again. This time you should get a full exception stack in the error log file.

    The other option is to raise the error log level to WARN.

  • Gregor K.

    Gregor K. - 2007-10-12
    • summary: Download from a Phex breaks repeatedly --> Download breaks repeatedly