
Bug with international versions of VS

  • FootStark

    FootStark - 2009-03-30

    Hi there,

    first of all: Thank you for a great tool!

    And to help improve it a little bit, I wanted to inform you that there's a problem with PhatStudio when installing on an international (non english) version of Visual Studio.
    As fixing it is better than complaining about it, I just took a look at the source code to find out that the lookup of the View-Menu fails (german VS).

    Here's a short fix for Commands.RegisterCommand (Command.cs:153) to successfully locate a menu bar with the international valid name (i.e. "view") of a menu bar.
                //Find the specified menu on the MenuBar command bar:
               CommandBarPopup menuPopup = null;
                foreach (CommandBarControl menuControl in menuBarCommandBar.Controls)
                   if (menuControl.Type == MsoControlType.msoControlPopup
                       && ((CommandBarPopup)menuControl).CommandBar.Name.Equals(menuName,StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                      menuPopup = (CommandBarPopup)menuControl;


    as documented at:;en-us;555186

    I'm not familiar with the practices here at SourceForge, but I thought I just post the fix in the forum. Maybe you can incorporate it in the next version of yout tool.


    • J Stone

      J Stone - 2009-04-01

      Thanks for the bug report, Stefan.  We will fix this in an upcoming update.

  • J Stone

    J Stone - 2010-02-13

    This has been fixed (by Isometric God) in PhatStudio v1.02, which has just been released.


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