
PostgreSQL Tools for MacOS X / News: Recent posts

8.0.1c Released to SourceForge a week ahead of schedule

With this early release, I am hoping that the early birds will help me find and resolve any major holes that remain in the system. We are aware that this installer DOES initdb the data folder, so if you have data in that folder, back it up first!

Posted by Andy Satori 2005-03-25

Pre-release preparation

In adoption of the OSS motto, release early and often, I'm posting the individual packages in the 8.0.1c release as I get them working and scripted. Starting with the core database server. Hopefully I'll have the StartupItem and the JDBC driver ready before the weekend, with the ODBC driver and the client tools for the weekend.

After that I hope to get a packaged version of SQL-Ledger up under a package of 'Applications built for PostgreSQL for Mac'. I am also looking into a build of pgAdmin for the Mac as well, but it's probably further down the road as wzWidgets is still a little unstable in Cocoa.

Posted by Andy Satori 2005-03-17

Upcoming Release Schedule

Originally we had planned on not doing another release until mid June, however, with the initial feedback from the release, we have decided to move that up and try to get some little issues dealt with. That said, we have shuffled some other projects to get this moved up the project board.

With that, the schedule is now for an 8.0.1c release for April 8th. Tentatively scheduled for that release are the following features.... read more

Posted by Andy Satori 2005-03-16

8.0.1b Released to the public

Today, we released the first SourceForge based release of our PostgreSQL for Mac OS X with Management Tools. This is actually the third release since we started packaging PostgreSQL for Mac OS X.

With this release we have expanded our tools offering to include a Create Database, Create User, and Service Manager as well as a simple Query Tool so that it is no longer absolutely necessary to use the command line to do most daily tasks with PostgreSQL. Future plans include adding GUI tools for dealing with the myriad configuration options available in PostgreSQL.

Posted by Andy Satori 2005-03-09

Initial Transition to CVS and OSS begins

As you see here, we have begun the transition of the tools into CVS, and moving all the source code to a BSD license. This transition will be fairly quick, and we will be recruiting some new developers ASAP...

Posted by Andy Satori 2005-03-08