
PostgreSQL Database Server / News: Recent posts

PostgreSQL 8.4 Released: Now Easier to Use than Ever

The PostgreSQL Global Development Group has released version 8.4, continuing the rapid development of the world's most advanced open source database. This release contains an abundance of enhancements to make administering, querying, and programming of PostgreSQL databases easier than ever before. Our development team has spent 16 months adding over two hundred improvements to all aspects of database functionality, helping every PostgreSQL user in small or large ways.... read more

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2009-07-05

PostgreSQL 2009-02-06 Update Releases Available Now

The PostgreSQL Project released updates to all active branches of the PostgreSQL object-relational database system, including versions 8.3.6, 8.2.12, 8.1.16, 8.0.20 and 7.4.24. These updates include two serious fixes, for autovacuum crashes in version 8.1 and GiST indexing data loss in 8.3, and those two versions should be updated as soon as possible.

These update releases also include patches for several low-risk security holes, as well as up to 17 other minor fixes, depending on your major version of PostgreSQL. Included as well are Daylight Savings Time changes for Nepal, Switzerland and Cuba. See the release notes for full details.... read more

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2009-04-04

PostgreSQL 2009-02-06 Update Releases Available Now

The PostgreSQL Project released updates to all active branches of the PostgreSQL object-relational database system, including versions 8.3.6, 8.2.12, 8.1.16, 8.0.20 and 7.4.24. These updates include two serious fixes, for autovacuum crashes in version 8.1 and GiST indexing data loss in 8.3, and those two versions should be updated as soon as possible.

These update releases also include patches for several low-risk security holes, as well as up to 17 other minor fixes, depending on your major version of PostgreSQL. Included as well are Daylight Savings Time changes for Nepal, Switzerland and Cuba. See the release notes for full details.... read more

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2009-04-04

PostgreSQL 8.3.3, 8.2.9, etc. Updates Released

Updates for all maintained versions of PostgreSQL are available today: 8.3.3,
8.2.9, 8.1.13, 8.0.17 and 7.4.21. These releases fix more than two dozen minor issues reported and patched over the last few months. All PostgreSQL
users should plan to update at their earliest convenience. Users of UTF-8
databases on Windows and people in affected time zones, in particular, should
upgrade as soon as possible.... read more

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2008-06-13

PostgreSQL 8.3.0 released

The most advanced, fully featured, stable, Open Source SQL-compliant database server available, bar none.

Today the PostgreSQL Global Development Group releases the long-awaited version 8.3 of the most advanced open source database, which cements our place as the best performing open source database. Among the performance features you'll be excited about in 8.3 are:

* Heap Only Tuples
* BGWriter Autotuning
* Asynchronous Commit
* Spread Checkpoints
* Synchronous Scan
* "Var-Varlena"
* L2 Cache Protection
* Lazy XID... read more

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2008-02-04

Cumulative Security Update Release

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2008-01-07 Cumulative Security Update Release
Posted on 2008-01-06
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Today the PostgreSQL Global Development Group is releasing updated versions which patch five security vulnerabilities. These releases update all current PostgreSQL versions, including 8.2, 8.1, 8.0, 7.4 and 7.3. They are considered critical and PostgreSQL DBAs and sysadmins should install the update as soon as they reasonably can. Our security team has made all efforts to make these patches backwards-compatible, and upgrading does not require converting your data files.... read more

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2008-01-07

PostgreSQL 8.2.5, 8.1.10 etc. Minor Releases

The PostgreSQL Global Development Group has released the minor update versions updating all current and recent versions of PostgreSQL, including 8.2, 8.1, 8.0, 7.4 and 7.3. The primary fix in these versions is updating PostgreSQL for the upcoming New Zealand time zone change; users in that country are urged to update their database servers immediately. Other users are encouraged to update their installations at their earliest convenience.... read more

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2007-09-28

New update for all PostgreSQL versions

The PostgreSQL Global Development Group today released minor versions updating all releases from 8.2 back to 7.3. Users are urged to upgrade at the earliest opportunity.

Releases 8.1.6 and 8.2.1 fix a number of error issues with versions 8.1 and 8.2, including several issues that can cause unexpected aborts in 8.2. Further, all versions have been updated for the new Australian and Canadian daylight-saving time rules. See the release notes for further information.... read more

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2007-01-18

PostgreSQL 8.2 released

After eight months of development and five months of integration and testing, the PostgreSQL Global Development Group now announces the availability of PostgreSQL version 8.2 (our 14th public release).

Among the features of this new version are:

* Higher performance (+20% on OLTP tests)
* Improved Warm standby databases
* Online index builds
* SQL2003 aggregates
* Improved TSearch2 with Generalized Inverted Indexes
* Support for DTrace probes
* Advisory Locks
* New ISN/ISBN and pgCrypto modules
* Selective pg_dump options... read more

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2006-12-05

PostgreSQL Bugfix Releases: 8.1.5, 8.0.9, 7.4.14, 7.3.16

The PostgreSQL project today is releasing the following minor versions, which fix three different crash vulnerabilities as well as an assortment of minor issues. Users of all PostgreSQL versions are urged to upgrade at the earliest opportunity.

The versions being released are: 8.1.5, 8.0.9, 7.4.14, 7.3.16. These are cumulative patch releases which simply replace the PostgreSQL binaries for major versions 8.1, 8.0, 7.4 and 7.3. Note that users of versions 7.4.0, 7.4.1, 8.0.0 and 8.0.1 may have to take additional steps in the course of upgrading -- see the release notes for details.... read more

Posted by Robert Treat 2006-11-15

PostgreSQL Security Releases: 8.1.4, 8.0.8, 7.4.13, 7.3.15

The PostgreSQL Global Development Group today released versions 8.1.4, 8.0.8, 7.4.13 and 7.3.15. This is an urgent update to close a security hole which can permit a SQL injection attack on some applications running PostgreSQL.

Users are urged to apply the update as soon as reasonably possible. Since the update affects client functionality, most driver projects will be updating this week as well.

Because the security issue involved is complex, we have added a section in the new Techdocs to explain it at; please read this first before applying the updates.... read more

Posted by Robert Treat 2006-05-24

PostgreSQL Security Releases: 8.1.2, 8.0.6, 7.4.11, 7.3.13

PostgreSQL Global Development Group has announced new minor versions of PostgreSQL, the most advanced Open Source Database in the world.

For details, please visit:

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2006-01-09

PostgreSQL 8.1.1 and Other Point Releases Now Available

It has been just over a month since PostgreSQL 8.1.0 has been released, and since that time, several bugs have been found, and fixed, in this branch, as well as some of the older branches.

As a result, the PostgreSQL Developers have released new point releases of versions as far back as v7.3, which are currently available on our mirror servers.

For a complete list of bugs fixed, please see the appropriate HISTORY file available within each releases tar files.... read more

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2005-12-13

New point releases 7.3.11, 7.4.9 and 8.0.4

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New point releases 7.3.11, 7.4.9 and 8.0.4
Posted on 2005-10-05
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In order to address several issues identified since our last Point Releases, we have just released the following new versions of PostgreSQL: 7.3.11, 7.4.9 and 8.0.4.

A few of the more prominent fixes across all three versions are:... read more

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2005-10-19

SECURITY RELEASES: 7.2.8 - 7.3.10 - 7.4.8 - 8.0.3

In order to address several security issues identified over the past two weeks, as well as one "low probability" race condition, we are releasing new version of PostgreSQL as far back as the 7.2.x branch.

Please note that the security issues were those already reported by Tom Lane, as well as a manual fix for them. These releases are mainly to ensure that those installing and/or upgrading existing installations have those fixes
automatically.... read more

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2005-05-11

PostgreSQL 8.0.2 Is Available

Over the past several weeks, Tom Lane has been working on replacing our old Cache Management Alorithm (ARC) with a new, patent free one (2Q).

In order to reduce the number of 8.x deployments out there that are using the old manager, we have just released 8.0.2, and encourage adminstrators to upgrade at their earliest convience.

For those already running 8.x on your production servers, please note that this upgrade does *NOT* require a dump restore, but due to a bump in the major version number for the client library (libpq), it *WILL* require all client applications to be recompiled at the same time.... read more

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2005-04-17

PostgreSQL Security Release for 8.0, 7.4, 7.3, & 7.2

In order to address a potential security hole recently identified with the "LOAD" option, the PostgreSQL Global Development Group is announcing the release of new versions of PostgreSQL going back to the 7.2.x version.

As always, these releases are available on all the download mirrors, found from:

For those using Bittorrent, David Fetter has updated the .torrents, which can be accessed from:... read more

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2005-02-05

PostgreSQL 8.0.0 Released

After more than a year of hard work, the PostgreSQL Global Development Group proudly announces the release of version 8.0.0 of the PostgreSQL ORDBMS. This release involves possibly more major changes than any prior version of PostgreSQL since 6.3, including:

* Native Windows port
* Savepoints/nested transactions
* Exception handling inside functions
* Tablespaces
* Point in time recovery
* Improved shared buffer management
* Background writer process to reduce checkpoint impact
* Tunable delays to reduce the impact of VACUUM
* Overhaul of pg_dump and pg_restore
* Expanded log format options and log rotation
* Improved embedded quote handling for functions
* ALTER TABLE can alter the data type of an existing column
* Improved ALTER capabilities for all database objects... read more

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2005-01-19

PostgreSQL Security Release(s) for 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4

In order to address a recent security report from iDefence, we have released 3 new "point" releases: 7.2.6, 7.3.8 and 7.4.6

Although rated only a Medium risk, according to their web site: "A vulnerability exists due to the insecure creation of temporary files, which could possibly let a malicious user overwrite arbitrary files."

Also in these releases is a potential 'data loss' bug that was recently identified:... read more

Posted by Devrim GÜNDÜZ 2004-10-28

Update Releases 7.2.5, 7.3.7, 7.4.5 Available, Recommended.

Over the past week, we have bundled and released new versions of 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 to address a couple of potentially critical bugs that were recently identified.

For all three versions, these releases address the following:

* Prevent possible loss of committed transactions during crash.
Due to insufficient interlocking between transaction commit and checkpointing, it was possible for transactions committed just before the most recent checkpoint to be lost, in whole or in part, following a database crash and restart.... read more

Posted by Robert Treat 2004-08-25

PostgreSQL 7.4.3 Now Available

After several fixes were backpatched to the 7_4_STABLE branch, we have now released a 7.4.3. Full release notes, links to our ftp mirrors and BitTorrent site are available on the PostgreSQL website at

Posted by Robert Treat 2004-06-15