
User contributed material

A number of pgn4web users have developed additional material and functionality and made those contributions available to other pgn4web users.

If you want to contribute to the pgn4web project, here are some ideas.

The enhancements listed on this page have not been prepared and fully checked by the pgn4web project and have not fully integrated into the pgn4web project; use these packages at your own risk. For support, please contact the respective authors directly.

clint: chess live interface

Patrick rickpa007(at) developed clint (chess live interface), a complete website for live broadcasting of a chess tournament; the source code and a demo are available at the clint proeject repository.
From a developer perspective, notable the integration of a javascript port of stockfish for position evalualtion and analysis, a significantly stronger chess engine than garbochess currenlty used by default by the pgn4web project.

coordinates display customization

Jeremy jeremy(at) developed a customized version of the core pgn4web.js script to enable display of chessboard coordinates. See his blog for a usage example. If interested, please contact Jeremy directly.

Chris pgn4web-cb(at) published pgn4web-cb, a customized version of pgn4web enabling chessboard coordinates and other features, including additional control buttons, German language and others. If interested see the pgn4web-cb project page or contact Chris directly.

drawarrow.js add-on for drawing arrows on the chessboard

Stephane galuel(at) developed a pgn4web add-on to allow drawing arrows on the chessboard during game replay. See the drawarrow.js project site for the download package, detailed documentation and an usage example.

dokuwiki plugin

Michael qwertologe(at) developed a dokuwiki plugin. The plugin integrates the pgn4web chessboard and provides a custom bbcode for entering PGN games in dokuwiki articles with a variety of options. For more information see the dokuwiki plugin site, the source code repository and the demo site.

drupal module

Robrecht robrechtj(at) has developed a drupal module available at the drupal modules repository. The module integrates the pgn4web chessboard and provides a custom bbcode for entering PGN games in drupal articles. See the drupal integration wiki page for detailed instructions about the drupal module.

e107 portal platform integration

Tarik tarik(at) has successfully integrated pgn4web with the e107 portal platform.

Have a look at his site.

engines matches and tournaments broadcast package

Ed Schröder (programmer of the Rebel chess engines) has compiled a package for running chess engines matches and tournaments, with integrated live broadcast.

Have a look at his demo site.

IPS portal platform integration

Javier chessnia(at), has sponsored a PGN BBCode modification for the IPS portal platform.

Look at this site for an example.

joomla plugin for joomla 1.0 backport

Gerold rocholz(at) has backported the joomla plugin for joomla 1.0.

Have a look at his example site.

liferay portlet

Michael mike(at) has developed a liefray portlet based on pgn4web, see an example at Micheal's site.

See the liferay integration wiki page for more information.

live applets as used by the French federation

Stephane stephane.laborde(at) has developed a number of live games broadcast applets based on pgn4web for use by the French chess federation. Those applets are available from the dedicated github repository applets-pgn4web.

Look at this site for an example.

live applets for visually impacted

Stephane stephane.laborde(at) has developed a live applet optimized for visually impacted users.

Look at this site for an example.

MyBB forum integration

Oliver ostones(at) reported success integrating pgn4web with the MyBB forum platform.

The suggested guideline starts from the configuration pages of MyBB, mycode section, add new mycode action:

  • for the regular expression use \[pgn\](.*?)\[/pgn\]
  • for the replacement use the same HTML code suggested for the simplemachines integration, replacing {content} with $1

PGN viewer google drive application

Dan has developed the chess PGN viewer google drive application for online viewing of chess games from PGN files stored on google drive.

For further information, please refer to the chess PGN viewer installation page or to the application's source code repository.

pgnchessviewer application for MacOS

Timothy timothyha(at) developed a pgn chess games viewer for MacOS 1.6+

Read more information and download the application at the pgnchessviewer project site.

plone add-on product

Drew drew(at) has developed a plone add-on product allowing entering PGN games in Plone articles, as shown in this an example.

See the plone integration wiki page for more information.

SPIP plugin

Matteo matteo.chesstale(at) has produced the pgn4spip SPIP plugin, that integrates the pgn4web chessboard and provides a custom bbcode for entering PGN games in SPIP articles. The plugin is available for both SPIP2 and SPIP3.

See the SPIP integration wiki page for detailed instructions about the SPIP plugin.

TYPO3 extension

Martin martin(at) has produced the pgn4web extension for TYPO3 that integrates the pgn4web chessboard in TYPO3 pages. See the TYPO3 integration wiki page for more information.


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Wiki: User_Notes_liferay
Wiki: User_Notes_plone
Wiki: User_Notes_simplemachines