
#41 RFE: Add `every quiver plot` style key


It seems like there's a use case for an every quiver plot style key that can be set when many quiver plots are needed with common options (e.g., scale arrows).

I posted a question to the TeX StackExchange about it and came up with a working implementation.

    every quiver plot/.style={},
    quiver/.prefix code={\pgfqkeys{/pgfplots/quiver}{/pgfplots/every quiver plot}}

If that's suitable it can just be patched into pgfplotsplothandlers.code.tex.


  • Christian Feuersänger

    Directly when I read you request, I tried out the suggested fix and stumbled over some key evaluation issue: I found some keys with prefix /pgfplots which sound useful in that context, but which would not be evaluated correctly. At that time, I decided to look into it eventually - and now I have to realize that I did not look into it until now :-(

    I fear a general implementation might easily suffer from key path issues although I have to dig out why I came to that conclusion.

    Sorry for answering that late.

    I will come back to it eventually.

  • Matthew Leingang

    Thanks for looking into that. I guess the devil is in the details which is why I'm happy you're the developer and I'm not.

  • Christian Feuersänger

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