Activity for pgfplots

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /pgfplots/1.18.1/

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /pgfplots/1.18.1/pgfplots_1.18.1.pdf

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /pgfplots/1.18.1/pgfplotstable_1.18.1.pdf

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /pgfplots/1.18.1/ChangeLog_1.18.1

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /pgfplots/1.18.1/README_1.18.1

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /pgfplots/1.18/

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /pgfplots/1.18/pgfplots_1.18.pdf

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /pgfplots/1.18/ChangeLog_1.18

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /pgfplots/1.18/README_1.18

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /pgfplots/1.18/pgfplotstable_1.18.pdf

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /pgfplots/1.18/ChangeLog_1.18

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /README_1.18

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /ChangeLog_1.18

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /pgfplotstable_1.18.pdf

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /pgfplots_1.17.pdf

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /ChangeLog_1.17

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /README_1.17

  • pgfplots pgfplots released /pgfplotstable_1.17.pdf

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [9aef60]

    Documented that 'smithchart mirrored' produces unexpected results and generated warning

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [b6b611]

    Fix broken tikz@do@circle and missing tikz@do@ellipse hook

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [78c097]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [4a1911]

    fixed table test

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [7bafd3]

    test files

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [0b17ec]

    updated ignore file

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [34c3f2]

    Compatibilty mode for tikz@do@circle

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow modified a comment on ticket #232

    For the record: To circumvent this problem use the syntax: circle [radius=<radius>]. Relevant questions on TeX.SX are: - - -

  • samcarter samcarter modified a comment on ticket #232

    Related Q&As:

  • manuelkuehner manuelkuehner posted a comment on ticket #234

    Origin of this topic is my answer at

  • manuelkuehner manuelkuehner created ticket #234

    Visual Artefact When Using `axis line style = {rounded corners}`

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow modified ticket #233

    [manual] `/pgfplots/boxplot/data filter/.code` not documented

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow posted a comment on ticket #233

    done in commit

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow created ticket #233

    [manual] `/pgfplots/boxplot/data filter/.code` not documented

  • Stefan Pinnow committed [d96237]

    - added key `/pgfplots/boxplot/data filter/.code` to the manual

  • samcarter samcarter modified a comment on ticket #232

    Related Q&As: (currently still in private beta, so only visible for users)

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow posted a comment on ticket #232

    For the record: To circumvent this problem use the syntax: circle [radius=<radius>]. Relevant questions on TeX.SX are: - -

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow modified ticket #232

    Number of arguments for circle changed in tikz

  • samcarter samcarter posted a comment on ticket #232

    (sorry for messing up the code formatting in the post above)

  • samcarter samcarter created ticket #232

    Number of arguments for circle changed in tikz

  • Denis Bitouzé Denis Bitouzé posted a comment on ticket #58

    I fully agree with this feature request. I would add to the "outer" values of legend pos the following value as well: outer west (could make sense if the user prefers axis y line*=right) outer east outer south west outer south east outer north west outer north east

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow created ticket #231

    minor grid below major grid (?)

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow modified ticket #230

    bug when trying to store `\pgfplotstablegetrowsof` with `\pgfmathsetmacro`

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow created ticket #230

    bug when trying to store `\pgfplotstablegetrowsof` with `\pgfmathsetmacro`

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow posted a comment on ticket #219

    I have modified the above MWE a bit to exclude stuff that is not relevant. I can confirm that this bug occurs (only), when the first coordinate is NaN (or filtered away).

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow modified ticket #219

    \pgfplots@stacked@diff undefined

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow modified ticket #229

    ConTeXt: \AtBeginDocument is defined as {#1}

  • Henri Menke Henri Menke posted a comment on ticket #229

    I was too hasty. This is actually a problem in PGF. However, I can't seem to close the issue, there is no button. Please close this for me.

  • Henri Menke Henri Menke created ticket #229

    ConTeXt: \AtBeginDocument is defined as {#1}

  • Vincenzo Pairona Vincenzo Pairona created ticket #84

    Use MATHEMATICA as external program

  • Consti P Consti P created ticket #228

    \draw has problems with declared functions

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow modified ticket #224

    [bug] position of sub-figure

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow modified ticket #227

    Incorrect bar position when `bar width` is defined in axis unit with `bar shift auto = 0`

  • BambOo BambOo created ticket #227

    Incorrect bar position when 'bar width' is defined in axis unit with 'bar shift auto = 0'

  • BambOo BambOo created ticket #83

    [Feature request] Render nan-only plots without compilation error

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow posted a comment on ticket #224

    On TikZ v3.1.4b and PGFPlots v1.16 I get the desired result. On which versions are you? Could you add an image/screenshot to show the odd behaviour?

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow modified ticket #226

    [manual] layer `pre main` is missing in the layer definitions

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow posted a comment on ticket #226

    fixed in

  • Stefan Pinnow committed [2581ca]

    - added layer `pre main` to the documentation part of `layers/standard/.define layer set` and `layers/axis on top/.define layer set` in `pgfplots.reference.layers.tex`

  • Stefan Pinnow committed [0bb84e]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • Stefan Pinnow committed [f1eca1]

    - minor stuff

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow created ticket #226

    [manual] layer `pre main` is missing in the layer definitions

  • san04 san04 posted a comment on ticket #225

    Expected behaviour with pdflatex looks like this:

  • san04 san04 created ticket #225

    XeLaTex with pgfplots displays wrong color?

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow posted a comment on ticket #76

    Sounds great. Unfortunately I don't have a clue about (PGFPlots) code. But I already contacted Christian who hopefully will have a look in the near future ...

  • faekynn faekynn posted a comment on ticket #76

    A short update is there. Arbitrary numbers of different x/y data are now possible. At least one row of x values have to be present at the moment. Table delimiters are customizable (but I am not really sure about the lua pattern-matching syntax. Somehow, it is different for semicolons and whitespaces). I am not sure how to handle a separate matrix for point-meta values correctly since I have no idea of a suitable format. Maybe this point is not that important. Can you give me a hint where to look...

  • faekynn faekynn posted a comment on ticket #76

    The solution on stackexchange is more suited for the particular problem there. Things to consider in a more general case (please add your suggestions): - there may (or may not) be a first row with y values - there may be zero, one or several columns with x values - without x or y values, there is just a plain z matrix - not only a z matrix, but a second one for point-meta values - custom comment chars - custom table delimiters - extracting mesh cols and mesh rows from the matrix I will try to implement...

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow modified ticket #76

    add support for "matrix-like" input for 3D data

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow posted a comment on ticket #76

    Faekynn provided some solutions of the problems e.g. using Lua code. Maybe this can be generalized and implemented?

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow modified ticket #81

    Axis break feature

  • Max Chen Max Chen posted a comment on ticket #224

    the '\theta=20,\phi=20' sub-figure is shown on the upper-left and outside the figure

  • Max Chen Max Chen created ticket #224

    [bug] position of sub-figure

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [8250bc]

    fixed test issues

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [796c50]

    renamed helper scripts

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [de4d27]

    adapt unit test expectations

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [ad8adb]

    Fixed tests.

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow modified ticket #80

    pgfmathprintnumber: no unity mantissa

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow created ticket #223

    [dateplot][groupplots] colorbar causes an error when using dates in groupplots

  • Christian Feuersänger Christian Feuersänger modified ticket #222

    exponent in color specs

  • Christian Feuersänger Christian Feuersänger posted a comment on ticket #222

    Thanks for the request. This might be possible to fix, although probably not in pgfplots but in pgf/tikz (or in xcolor?). Depending on how many colors you have to export, you might be better off if you generate a sequence of \definecolor invocations (see the xcolor manual or the pgfmanual.pdf for details). This saves lots of time for the TeX translation. Example invocation in the RGB space (range 0-255): \pgfutil@definecolor{BuGn-A}{RGB}{247,252,253} I believe the space 'rgb' (lower case) accepts...

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [bcec3d]

    Fixed regressions

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [c95077]

    used FPU for tick foreach

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [08c6ad]

    added test

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [a22ebf]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [ca376c]

    \pgfmathprintnumber: implemented PGF 'retain unit mantissa=true|false' (feature #92)

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [c82704]

    fixed displayDiff script

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [d2fbb2]

    fixed SIMPLE scientific notation in tick arguments

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [20f132]

    normalized reference revisions

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [f70335]

    fixed lots of broken tests (same issue as previous commits)

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [6b4c59]

    improved test coverage

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [f42359]

    fixed lots of tests.

  • Christian Feuersaenger committed [bafb90]

    reset reference rev

  • Tamas Papp Tamas Papp created ticket #222

    exponent in color specs

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow created ticket #221

    [layers] don't seem to work for `title style`

  • Stefan Pinnow Stefan Pinnow created ticket #220

    [nodes near coords] are under grid lines when `axis on top` is active

  • Stefan Pinnow committed [55229f]

    - consistently used `samples y=1` for line plots in a 3d diagram (`\addplot3`)

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