
pgDesigner 0.0.38 Released

NEW: Added the module pgDesigner.module, that it
executes the launch of the application.
NEW: Added the new CApp class, for the management
of the application. All the controls managed
previously from the main window have been
transferred in this new class. The launch
comes carried out from the module pgDesigner.
NEW: Added the new CProjects class, like container
and manager of the plans.
NEW: Added the new CUtil class, that it contains
functions and static procedures of
usefullness and support.
NEW: Added the possibility to modify the
formulations of color of the objects. The
formulations come conserved in the
configuration rows, under shape of tighten
and in the format "r, g, b", and are valid to
total level for all the active and not active
plans. An appropriate window allows to vary
the configuration of base in every moment;
the variations come immediately applied on
all the open plans.
NEW: Added the possibility to visualize the
division of the diagram in pages; in
practical in the diagram they come visualized
of the lines of demarcation between the
component pages the graphical suit, that they
respect the real dimension of the format of
the press page. In the menu "Show" has been
added the voice "Visualizes pages" in order
to allow the management of this new
formulation. To keep in mind who, if
activated, this formulation can slow down the
refresh of the diagram, because of I redesign
of the lines to every change.
NEW: Added one new functionality, that it allows
to define of the areas, profits in order to
evidence the objects in groups work them.
These zones have rectangular shape, with
color defined from the customer, and on which
a single one can be inserted tightens of
text, like famous descriptive of the area.
The dimension begins them of the zone comes
defined in phase of creation, to clicked in a
point of the design area, and dragging the
mouse until when the intentional dimension
is not caught up. For the management of this
new object it has been added in the plan the
new WArea class. The modification of the
formulations comes carried out through an
appropriate window of dialogue, selecting
the object with the skillful text of mouse or
the double quantity click; it is possible to
modify of the text, the color of filling, the
coordinates and the dimensions of the
rectangle, or to eliminate it from the plan.
The objects of this type will come save you
with to all the other elements in the plan
rows. To keep in mind who the management of
this type of object holds account of the
order of creation in the plan, for which the
last elements they will cover always those
previous ones if overlapped; moreover and it
is visible single in the display on which it
has been created. In the menu main it has
been added one new voice for the
formulations of visualization of this object.
NEW: Added the possibility to create a plan
loading the information from rows containing
commandos sql. The loading can be carried out
through the same procedure of loading of the
plans, selecting opportunely the rows from
disk with the correct extension. At the
moment this function is still in a phase of
test, for which errors with rows can be taken
place not correctly set up to you.
NEW: Added the CLog class for the management of
the log files for the messages and the errors
applied to you. At the moment in the log the
errors gushed from the procedure of creation
of the database come saved.
NEW: In the menu main, under the heading of It
visualizes, it has been added the call for
the visualization of the log of the

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2007-01-15

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