
Datamodel designer for PostgreSQL / News: Recent posts

pgDesigner 1.2.22 Released

NEW: Added support for PostgreSQL 9.2/9.3.
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.23.0 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2013-08-22

pgDesigner 1.2.21 Released

NEW: Added support for PostgreSQL 9.1.
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.23.0 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2011-09-12

pgDesigner 1.2.20 Released

NEW: Added support for PostgreSQL 9.0.
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.23.0 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2011-07-08

pgDesigner 1.2.19 Released

BUG: Fixed a bug when importing from the database table fields.
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.23.0 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2011-06-21

pgDesigner 1.2.18 Released

BUG: Due to changes in the newer Gambas2, some features may
cause errors, such as to block the application. This patch
changes have been introduced in order to overcome some
disadvantages of this type, especially an error while updating the
main menu, as a result of modifications to an open or opening.
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.22.0 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2011-01-08

pgDesigner 1.2.17 Released

BUG: Fixed an error loading the project file from the command line, which caused the blocking application.
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.18.0 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2009-12-11

pgDesigner 1.2.16 Released

BUG: Fixed a bug in saving the project file. Now items are grouped by type and stored in the correct order, so the true reading correctly, without loss of information, and with the correct link.
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.16.0 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2009-10-12

pgDesigner 1.2.15 Released

BUG: Fixed an error in the presentation of the message duplication, while updating the TreeList. (Report made by his Florent Thomas).
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.16.0 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2009-10-10

pgDesigner 1.2.14 Released

UPD: Updates in the translations.
UPD: In the press reports the objects are now sorted in advance.
BUG: Fixed a bug in printing of reports in HTML format, which caused an
infinite loop when encoding in the presence of special characters.
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.16.0 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2009-09-26

pgDesigner 1.2.13 Released

BUG: Fixed a problem in setting the attribute CHECK for the domain.
BUG: Fixed a bug in the column headings in printing the report in PDF format. (Report made by his Florent Thomas).
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.16.0 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2009-09-16

pgDesigner 1.2.12 Released

BUG: Fixed a mistake in the edit window table, viewing the list of relations.
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.15.2 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2009-09-08

pgDesigner 1.2.11 Released

BUG: Given the difficulty of ensuring a complete, syntactically and
logically, the values in the fields Default Fields for Tables, Type,
and Domain, I found it necessary to disable the function that
performs this task in an incomplete, leaving the user to complete
autonomy in entering any data. Obviously the real formal check
will be made by PostgreSQL when creating objects.
The problem was highlighted with the use of keyword
CURRENT_DATE as default for a date field, the syntax provides
different settings, depending on the version of PostgreSQL used,
and not always accepted as valid. For the old projects will require
a manual review.
(I thank my friend Florent Thomas for analyzing and reporting the problem).
BUG: Fixed a bug that occurs when deleting a table relationship.
(Report made by his Florent Thomas).
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.15.2 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2009-09-05

pgDesigner 1.2.10 Released

NEW: Added driver for version 8.4 of PostgreSQL with some limitations,
which were not implemented all the features of this news release.
NEW: Thanks to the contribution of Vladislav Levitskiy was added to the
translation into Russian language.
BUG: Fixed a problem with the function CSqlPrint (), which is not properly
constructed queries containing the syntax "CHECK ()" for fields in
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.15.2 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2009-09-03

pgDesigner 1.2.9 Released

BUG: Fixed an error when reading the tables and
indexes, relating to the membership of the
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.11.1 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2009-03-12

pgDesigner2 repository ready

Subversion Repository Active and Ready for pgDesigner2

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2009-01-13

pgDesigner2 repository ready

Repository Subversion Active and Ready for pgDesigner2.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2009-01-13

pgDesigner 1.2.8 Released

BUG: Deleted control of congruence between the
tables of a report, during the loading of
the project by XML file.
BUG: Fixed an error during the loading of
projects by sql files, in the definition of
the tables in a report if they are reported
to the same object table.
BUG: Fixed a problem in the redesign after the
use of function reorganization of the
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.7.0 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2008-07-31

pgDesigner 1.2.7 Released

BUG: Fixed a mistake on the version control during
the loading of project files.
BUG: Fixed a problem of conversion during the
loading of field sizes, if they are empty.
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.6.0 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2008-05-26

pgDesigner 1.2.6 Released

NEW: Use of Domains in the definition of fields of
the table, adding the attribute Domain in
class CPgTableField. If you select a domain,
data from the field will take the information
on the domain, and in the form edit will be
disabled their control.
(Adding Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel).
UPD: Added new types "tsvector", "tsquery",
"txid_snapshot", "uuid" and "xml" for
PostgreSQL 8.3.
UPD: Added the command "INSERT OR UPDATE" for
items trigger.
UPD: Inserting a control on the values dimension
of the fields of the table, so as to avoid
mistakes with the characters separators
decimal places.
UPD: Adding the conversion of strings to UTF-8 to
(Adding Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel).
UPD: The format of project files INI was amended;
was added an additional parameter to indicate
whether the field belongs to a domain or is a
normal field.
(Adding Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel).
UPD: The format of project files XML is varied;
was added the new attribute to the Domain
TABLEFIELD, to indicate whether the field
belongs to a domain or is a normal field.
(Adding Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel).
UPD: The press reports in HTML format was changed
to allow the addition of labels Tables,
Comments and Domain Field.
(Adding Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel).
UPD: The press reports in TXT format was changed
to allow the addition of labels Tables,
Comments and Domain Field.
(Adding Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel).
UPD: Additions some level features code.
(Adding Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel).
UPD: The extraction procedure SQL has been amended
with the implementation of the values of
Default for Domini and for the fields of
(Adding Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel).
UPD: The window of edit fields table was
implemented with the logic of Domains.
(Adding Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel).
UPD: The list of fields in the window edit tables
has been implemented for a column to display
the domain.
(Adding Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel).
UPD: The window of the parameters of export to
file SQL has been amended to allow the proper
display of strings.
(Adding Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel).
BUG: Fixed some bugs in the process of
reverse-engineering database.
BUG: Fixed an error display commands in SQL tab
"DDL" in the form of amendment of the
BUG: Fixed some errors in the decoding process
uploading files SQL, in particular the key
word "ONLY" "ALTER TABLE" and the creation of
the indices of tables.
BUG: Fixed some minor bugs in relation to the
functions you selection of objects from the
BUG: Fixed a problem with the quotes in the
property Default Field.
(Adding Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel).
BUG: Fixed some mistakes in the process of
uploading files SQL, for the objects of type
Type, Table and Domain.
(Adding Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel).
BUG: Fixed a problem with the size of columns for
items trigger the creation of the report in
pdf format.
NDA: The procedure for loading of projects from
files SQL, regarding procedures currently
detects only code delimited single peak, and
no other delimiters. If necessary, it is
necessary to manually editing the file by any
text editor.
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.6.0 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2008-05-23

pgDesigner 1.2.5 Released

BUG: Fixed some bugs related to the loading and saving projects.
BUG: Fixed some bugs in class CPdfWriter.
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.5.0 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2008-04-23

pgDesigner 1.2.4 Released

BUG: Fixed some minor bugs related to the
functions you select objects from the tree.
(Bugs reported by Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel).
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.5.0 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2008-04-20

pgDesigner 1.2.3 Released

NEW: Added driver for PostgreSQL 8.3.
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.5.0 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2008-04-09

pgDesigner 1.2.2 Released

NEW: Adding the ability to define the size of the
plan, the options window has been changed
accordingly. To prevent objects being found
out by the new margins, the coordinates will
be automatically reset, placing objects in
the diagram out diagram.
NEW: Adding the ability to define the background
color of the paint, the options window has
been changed accordingly. The setting is
stored globally in the configuration file of
the programme.
NEW: By changing the name of a table, in the edit
window, it also changed the name of the
default primary key defined with the same
table name plus the suffix "_pk". And 'can
change this setting, directly modifying the
name field primary key.
UPD: Added a control over duplication of items on
insertion into tree project, in case of
duplication is presented an error message and
the name is not added to the list.
UPD: Items Relation duplication is allowed, as
long as the uniqueness of references to the
tables is respected.
UPD: Excluding the items in Relation Area, it
allowed the duplication of names of objects
only if different type.
UPD: Some optimizations to increase the speed of
UPD: Some corrections in the French translation,
by the friend Henri Girard.
UPD: For new projects are set colors stored in the
configuration file of the programme,
differently from what happened before, where
the colors were taken by default preset.
BUG: Fixed a problem in the function of loading
project files sql; added some controls on the
transformation from a string numeric values.
BUG: Fixed some problems in the function of
loading projects sql files.
BUG: Fixed a problem decoding objects Sequence
function of loading projects sql files.
BUG: Fixed some errors and reset logic
nomenclature objects Relations.
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.4.1 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2008-04-03

pgDesigner Web French Documentation Update

pgDesigner Web French Documentation Update

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2008-03-28

pgDesigner 1.2.1 Released

BUG: Fixed a problem in the function of saving a new project.
NDA: Program compiled with version 2.2.1 of Gambas.

Posted by Carlotto Luigi 2008-03-05