
Tree [r177] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 PFS 2019-12-08 sintonen [r177] Fixed ACTION_READ_LINK for links that target th...
 PFSDoctor 2014-09-17 twilen [r164] Fix signed overflow if partition is very big.
 floppypfs 2011-06-05 sintonen [r118] Fixed the C intlcmp implementation.
 tools 2011-05-11 michielp [r101] Translated comments
 LICENSE 2011-04-12 michielp [r6] Tagged INITIAL_AMINET_RELEASE
 README 2011-04-12 michielp [r6] Tagged INITIAL_AMINET_RELEASE

Read Me

PFS III 5.2 Sources

This archive contains the complete sources of PFS3 and all PFS tools
and utilities. The version of PFS3 in the sources is 5.2. This is after the
release on CD (which was 5.1) but before the patch release (which was 5.3).
This is the main reason that the binary release contains the original binaries
and not new binaries compiled from these sources.

These sources have been compiled and tested. I changed some minor things for
the public domain release. I disabled the protection code, changed the copyright
notice and some other minor changes.

If you wish to make changes to the source you can do so. You can contact me
if you need help. 


I wish to thank the members of the Dutch for making this release 
possible, especially Paul Koster, Folkert de Gans and Pim Brouwer. The whole
idea of making PFS3 public domain started with a mail from Ignacio, so thanks


To compile the sources the following software is required:

- SAS C 6.58 with Y2K patch
	Y2K patch:
	SAS C 6.58 patch:
- GadToolBox3. Get it from aminet
- Multiuser library 1.8.
Preparing development environment

- Install the multiuser includes in your include: directory
- Install the progress.gadget includes from GadToolBox 3 in your include:
- Apply the Y2K patch on SAS C as follows:
	lha x SASC_Y2k_patch.lha
	spatch -osc1.library -psc1.library.pch sc:libs/sc1.library
	cp sc1.library sc:libs/
- Open include:libraries/multiuser.h in a texteditor. Change the line 
	/*#pragma libcall muBase muFSRendezVous 6C 00*/ 
	#pragma libcall muBase muFSRendezVous 6C 00
  and save the file.
- Copy the debug directory to your include: directory. 

Compiling PFS

The sources of the filesytem are in the PFS directory. Go there with the shell.
You can build a non-optimized PFS with smake. A number of make scripts are 
included for other builds. The makefinal scripts makes all versions for all
localizations (english, german, french, italian) optimized for all 68k
processors. The objectfiles are created in the objectfiles directory. The
final executables are copied to the following directories:
 	deutsch for the German versions
	english for the English versions
	frans for the French versions
	italiano for the Italian versions
Compiling Tools

PFSDoctor and Diskvalid have smakefile's and thus are build with smake. The
other tools are simply build with sc.