

AutoIt file: String and File String.au3

The functions _StringRemoveDoubleSpaces, _StringCountLines, _StringTidyUp, _StringIndent, _StringUndent, _StringTotalUnIndent, _StringIndentCount, _StringToArray and _StringLines are mainly for strings containing text.

Function Description
_StringZero Returns string of a number zero padded to given width
_StringEmpty Tests if string is empty after stripping spaces, tabs, line feeds or carriage returns
_StringInCharacters Tests if any given characters is in string
_StringStartsWith Tests if string is starting with a string
_StringEndsWith Tests if string is ending with a string
_StringCut Returns string between two positions
_StringStripCharacters Returns string stripped from characters
_StringRemoveDoubleSpaces Returns string with removed double spaces
_StringDiffer Returns position where two strings begin to differ
_StringCapitalize Returns capitalized string (uppercase first letter)
_StringCount Returns number of times string is found in a string
_StringCountLines Returns number of lines in a string, 0 = none
_StringToTag Returns string to given tag/delimiter
_StringFromTag Returns string from given tag/delimiter
_StringToLastTag Returns string to last found given tag/delimiter
_StringFromLastTag Returns string from last found given tag/delimiter
_StringTidyUp Returns text in string stripped from leading and trailing spaces, trailing carriage returns and trailing line feeds
_StringIndent Returns text in string with lines left or right indented with given string
_StringUnindent Returns text in string with lines left or right unindented (if possible) with given string
_StringTotalUnindent Returns text in string with lines totally left or right unindented (if possible) with given character
_StringIndentCount Returns text in string with lines left or right indented once with given character and count
_StringToArray Returns 1D or 2D array of strings splitted by given row and column delimiters
_StringLines Returns lines in a string an array


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