
installation on macosx ?

  • Pieter W. Hemker

    Thanks for making this available.  I'm a frequent user of Perseus and the Greek morphology tool.
    I hope that I will be able to run it on my mac.

    However, I have the feeling that I need more information than available in INSTALL.html.
    I have basic knowledge of UNIX

    With the MACOSX 10.5.1  (Leopard) running, I believe that Apache and some JDF are
    part of this system.
    Further, I have Fink running and so I installed  (in /sw )
    nr:    name          installed    version       
    1:    mysql          5.0.38-1003    Open Source SQL database    
    2:    ant                    1.7.0-2            Optional tasks for Ant    
    3:    ant-contrib    1.0-1             Additional ant tasks    
    4:    tomcat5             5.5.23-1        Java Servlet 2.4 Container and Web Server    
    5:    tomcat5-webapps    5.5.23-1     Java Servlet 2.4 Container and Web Server    

    I downloaded: hopper-source-20071109, hopper-texts-20071129, artarch-0.9.1
    and I set up the directory  /sgml   (now containing the directories: reading, texts, xml, dtd)

    Primary questions:
    - How to continue installation?
    - I cannot identify a file   /etc/my.cnf  (so I cannot make the adaptions as in INSTALL.html)
    - How do I identify $ANT_HOME/lib
    - How do I identify $CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed/
    Also the remaining information in  INSTALL.html seems rather brief for me.
    How to obtain the necessary information  and -above all-
    will it be possible to install the Perseus Java Hopper on the Mac anyway?

    Thanks in advance for any relevant information.


    • Rashmi S

      Rashmi S - 2007-12-03

      It is possible to install the hopper on a mac.  You should use the Terminal application to run the command lines.  my.cnf is located in /private/etc/.  You will need to see where you installed Ant and Tomcat (CATALINA) to find the locations of $ANT_HOME/lib and $CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed.  $ANT_HOME, $CATALINA_HOME, and $JAVA_HOME should be set in your environment variables.  If you find that you do not have enough UNIX knowledge to install the hopper, we will be releasing a snapshot of a machine that runs the website, which you can run and use on your machine locally.

    • Pieter W. Hemker

      Thanks for offering special help for installing the hopper on MACOSX (10.5.1 "Leopard").
      I'm looking forward to using the hopper.

      In the mean time I tried to install it with the instructions given in "INSTALL.html".

      I have installed tomcat5  (5.5.23-1) from Fink
      I installed mysql (5.0.45) from

      I included in my .profile
      (this is the best guess I could make for these directories)

      I could NOT find any private/etc/my.cnf

      In fact there was no "my.cnf" on my computer, but I found
      none of which I modified.

      Following the instructions from "INSTALL.html" I could proceed till "Hibernate setup".
      There I got an error message:

      >> ant schema-export
      Buildfile: build.xml

      /hopper/sgml/reading/build.xml:207: The following error occurred while executing this line:
      /hopper/sgml/reading/buildFiles/common.xml:22: taskdef class org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask cannot be found

      Total time: 0 seconds

      That is how far I came.

      Any help is much appreciated.

    • Rashmi S

      Rashmi S - 2007-12-04

      If you don't have a default my.cnf file, you can create it in the proper directory.

      You are probably getting this error because a number of files expect Tomcat to be located in /usr/local/tomcat.  You can either change these instances to the location of Tomcat on your computer, or you can do a simple sym link to make /usr/local/tomcat a valid location.  Otherwise, you may be getting this error either because you don't have catalina-ant.jar or it's not in $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib (for Tomcat 5).

    • Pieter W. Hemker


      I removed tomcat from Fink and I downloaded apache-tomcat-5.5.25.tar to install it in /usr/local.
      I adapted my .profile to obtain

      Now I could continue with "INSTALL.html" until "Loading languages"
      The line
            ./runjava perseus.util.LanguageLoader properties/
      athena:reading pieth$ ./runjava perseus.util.LanguageLoader properties/
      find: -printf: unknown option
      sed: 1: "properties/hopper.prope ...": extra characters at the end of p command
      sed: 1: "properties/hopper.prope ...": extra characters at the end of p command
      find: illegal option -- t
      find: illegal option -- y
      find: illegal option -- p
      find: illegal option -- e
      find: -printf: unknown option
      find: illegal option -- t
      find: illegal option -- y
      find: illegal option -- p
      find: illegal option -- e
      find: -printf: unknown option
      Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/configuration/Configuration
      athena:reading pieth$

      and I am lost again.


    • Rashmi S

      Rashmi S - 2007-12-05

      commons-configuration.jar in /sgml/reading/lib contains the class that can't be found.  As to why it can't be found, that I'm not sure of.  Maybe recompile everything (ant clean and then ant dist jsp) and try again.

    • Pieter W. Hemker

      I did as you suggested, without success.

      I also started building up everything again from the archives.
      All with the same result. (commons-configuration.jar sits nicely in its place)
      I checked what I could, but I have no more idea.

      I would be happy if -in one way or another- you could help me installing
      (at least the LSJ-dictionary and the Greek morphology tool) on the Mac.

      I could spend some time for this purpose.

    • Rashmi S

      Rashmi S - 2007-12-05

      I don't know why you are unable to load the languages, as everything seems normal.  Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to provide the type of support you currently need.  The other option is to wait for the release of the virtual machines (hopefully in the next month) which you can use on your machine locally.

    • RJ Corbett

      RJ Corbett - 2007-12-06

      I am having the same problem on my machine at work (though I can't seem to get this far from the machine at home):  the same error message about -printf and 'find:  illegal option' turns up when I try to load the languages. 

      One thing that I noticed is that the first function in the runjava file (get_subdirs) runs
          find $1 -type d -not -name "CVS" -printf "%p:" | sed -e 's/:$//'
      Our macs seem to be interpreting "-type" as though it were an option, rather than as an expression primary.  This produces the
          find: illegal option -- t
          find: illegal option -- y
          find: illegal option -- p
          find: illegal option -- e
      Typing "find $1 -type d" into the command line yields the same error message, but "find $1 * -type d" returns all directories and subdirectories in sgml/reading/.  Also, "find" on my machine doesn't have actions like -printf, only options and expression primaries; -print seems to have much the same function as -printf, though.

      I wonder if there isn't some subtle difference between how find is implemented under OS X and linux that accounts for these problems.  This may actually have something to do with the missing org/apache/commons/configuration/Configuration class, however.  What, exactly, I can't say, but when I changed that line in runjava to
          find $1 * -type d -not -name "CVS" -print | sed 's/:$//'
      I got a different missing class.  Now my error message when I attempt to load the languages reads
          find: -printf: unknown expression primary
          sed: 1: "properties/hopper.prope ...": extra characters at the end of p command
          sed: 1: "properties/hopper.prope ...": extra characters at the end of p command
          Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: build/abbreviations
      The first error is because thee is another line in runjava with -printf, but now the class that is missing is build/abbreviations!

      While I was writing this, I also came across something that may explain the sed error messages.  There is a line in runjava
          sed properties/ -n -e "/^${re_property}/s/.*=// p"
      It seems as though the interpreter is having problems with the ".

      I don't know what to make of this, but I thought I'd write it down while I was looking into the problem.  Looking at it, I'm not sure I see much of a feasible solution (other than to install under linux).  Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated.

    • motherchicken

      motherchicken - 2007-12-06

      I am trying to get that stage to work too, but on Ubunto Edgy Eft. I have edited the runjava script, adding set -vx so it echos the commands in the script and I can see whats happening. You might find that helpful and you could post your output if you want to compare it with mine.
      I'm not sure adding the * to the find command is going to help you, its $1 in the script because its inside a subroutine, so that won't work if you just type the command on the command line.


    • Rashmi S

      Rashmi S - 2007-12-06

      This may fix the issue in runjava: download Fink ( and then set find to be the one found in /sw/bin/find.

    • Pieter W. Hemker

      This helps a lot !!!

      Now I could do "Loading languages" and  "Loading metadata", probably with only minor errors.
      At the moment I'm "chunkify-ing" (ERT 12 hours).
      I keep my fingers crossed.
      For your information I attach an excerpt of the warnings/errors I encountered in this stage.

      athena:reading pieth$ ./runjava perseus.util.LanguageLoader properties/

      sed: 1: "properties/hopper.prope ...": extra characters at the end of p command
      sed: 1: "properties/hopper.prope ...": extra characters at the end of p command
      log4j: Trying to find [log4j.xml] using context classloader sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@858610.
      16:46:39,279  INFO NamingHelper:26 - JNDI InitialContext properties:{}
      16:46:39,290 ERROR NamingHelper:33 - Could not obtain initial context
      javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory [Root exception is java.lang.InstantiationException: javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory]
          at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
          at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(
      perseus.util.Language <850858995> {
          allLanguages -> Set <???>
      languagesByCode -> Map <???>
               UNKNOWN -> Language <UNKNOWN>
                lemmas -> Set <[]>
            wordCounts -> Set <[]>
               ENGLISH -> Language <UNKNOWN>
                 GREEK -> Language <UNKNOWN>
                 LATIN -> Language <UNKNOWN>
             OLD_NORSE -> Language <UNKNOWN>
           OLD_ENGLISH -> Language <UNKNOWN>
          hasMorphData -> boolean <false>
         abbreviations -> List <[fr]>
                  name -> String <French>
          adapterClass -> Class <???>
                    id -> Integer <9>
                logger -> Logger <???>

      ===============> WE CONTINUE WITH THE NEXT COMMAND <==========================

      athena:reading pieth$ ./runjava perseus.document.MetadataLoader --reload

      sed: 1: "properties/hopper.prope ...": extra characters at the end of p command
      sed: 1: "properties/hopper.prope ...": extra characters at the end of p command
      log4j: Trying to find [log4j.xml] using context classloader sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@858610.
      16:48:51,415  INFO HbmBinder:2375 - Mapping collection: perseus.util.Language.wordCounts -> hib_word_counts
      16:48:51,504  WARN Environment:489 - Property [hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer] has been renamed to [hibernate.bytecode.use_reflection_optimizer]; update your properties appropriately
      16:48:51,516  INFO NamingHelper:26 - JNDI InitialContext properties:{}
      16:48:51,520 ERROR NamingHelper:33 - Could not obtain initial context
      javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory [Root exception is java.lang.InstantiationException: javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory]
          at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
          at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(
          at perseus.document.MetadataLoader.main(
      Caused by: java.lang.InstantiationException: javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory
          at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
          at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
          at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
          ... 21 more
      16:48:51,524 FATAL DatasourceConnectionProvider:55 - Could not find datasource: java:/comp/env/jdbc/PerseusDB
      javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory [Root exception is java.lang.InstantiationException: javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory]
          at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
          at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(
      16:48:51,836  INFO SessionFactoryImpl:161 - building session factory
      16:48:52,709  INFO SessionFactoryObjectFactory:82 - Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
      16:49:32,598 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/Plutarch/New_Plutarch/xml/plut.alex_eng.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.01.0243
      16:49:36,083 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/Goodwin/goodwin.moods_eng.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.04.0065
      16:49:41,188 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/Plutarch/New_Plutarch/xml/plut.caes_eng.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.01.0244
      /sgml/texts/DDBDP/collection.xml [loading]
      Unknown node! [dc:description]  =
      16:50:22,772 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.bingen.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0254
      16:50:25,017 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.ammon.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0251
      16:50:29,856 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.thomas.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0258
      16:50:32,325 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.petra.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0256
      16:50:34,530 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.bgu.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0001
      16:50:35,330 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.erl.diosp.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0269
      16:50:36,842 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.harrauer.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0255
      16:50:37,673 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0280
      16:50:39,903 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.chic.haw.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0260
      16:50:40,496 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.eirene.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0259
      16:50:41,934 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.mon.apollo.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0264
      16:50:46,071 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.zauzich.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0281
      16:50:51,348 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.dion.herm.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0261
      16:50:52,149 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.palaurib.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0265
      16:50:57,846 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.diosk.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0267
      16:50:59,912 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.louvre.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0263
      16:51:00,993 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.eleph.wagner.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0262
      16:51:02,462 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.giss.apoll.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0272
      16:51:03,261 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.euphrates.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0274
      16:51:07,221 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.polit.iud.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0257
      16:51:07,867 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.benaki.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0252
      16:51:09,897 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.jud.des.misc.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0268
      16:51:09,897 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.berl.salmen.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0253
      16:51:12,026 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.p.dryton.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0270
      16:51:14,107 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/DDBDP/xml/ddbdp.o.berenike.xml for document Perseus:text:1999.05.0250
      corpora.xml [loading]
      oldenglish.xml [loading]
      oldnorse.xml [loading]
      cwar.xml [loading]
      16:51:52,685 ERROR Metadata:230 - Unable to locate source file /sgml/texts/cwar/xml/ for document Perseus:text:2001.05.0140
      RichTimes.xml [loading]
      earlymod.xml [loading]
      Unknown node! [dc:description]  =
      16:59:01,542  WARN MetadataCache:50 - Metadata cache parent-doc miss: Perseus:text:1999.03.0081
      16:59:01,545  WARN MetadataCache:50 - Metadata cache parent-doc miss: Perseus:text:1999.03.0081
      16:59:06,239  WARN MetadataCache:50 - Metadata cache parent-doc miss: Perseus:text:1999.03.0080
      16:59:06,241  WARN MetadataCache:50 - Metadata cache parent-doc miss: Perseus:text:1999.03.0080


    • Pieter W. Hemker

      Following the instructions in INSTALL.html I could proceed with 'Adding texts'  and 'Lexicon links'.
      Continuing with 'Morphology' I got (at the end) the error message

      ParseLoader:306 - Unknown language code: Greek

      Notice that
      was in its place.
      There I learned that I better wrote Greek with a capital.
      Also Latin, or abbreviations for the languages gave the same error,
      as well as putting brackets around the xml-filename and the lanuage.

      I give an excerpt of the diagnostics below

      athena:reading pieth$ ./runjava perseus.morph.ParseLoader greek.morph.xml Greek

      sed: 1: "properties/hopper.prope ...": extra characters at the end of p command
      sed: 1: "properties/hopper.prope ...": extra characters at the end of p command
      log4j: Trying to find [log4j.xml] using context classloader sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@858610.
      log4j: Trying to find [log4j.xml] using sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@858610 class loader.
      log4j: Trying to find [log4j.xml] using ClassLoader.getSystemResource().
      log4j: Trying to find [] using context classloader sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@858610.
      log4j: Using URL [file:/hopper/sgml/reading/build/] for automatic log4j configuration.
      log4j: Handling[null]
      log4j: Finished configuring.
      09:40:28,272  INFO Environment:500 - Hibernate 3.2.0
      09:40:29,452  INFO NamingHelper:26 - JNDI InitialContext properties:{}
      09:40:29,461 ERROR NamingHelper:33 - Could not obtain initial context
      javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory [Root exception is java.lang.InstantiationException: javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory]
          at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
          at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(
          at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(
          at javax.naming.InitialContext.<init>(
          at org.hibernate.util.NamingHelper.getInitialContext(
          at org.hibernate.connection.DatasourceConnectionProvider.configure(
          at org.hibernate.connection.ConnectionProviderFactory.newConnectionProvider(
          at org.hibernate.connection.ConnectionProviderFactory.newConnectionProvider(
          at org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory.createConnectionProvider(
          at org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory.buildSettings(
          at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSettings(
          at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory(
          at perseus.util.HibernateUtil.<clinit>(
          at perseus.util.HibernateDAO.<clinit>(
          at perseus.morph.ParseLoader.<clinit>(
      Caused by: java.lang.InstantiationException: javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory
          at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
          at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
          at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
          ... 14 more
      09:40:29,463 FATAL DatasourceConnectionProvider:55 - Could not find datasource: java:/comp/env/jdbc/PerseusDB
      javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory [Root exception is java.lang.InstantiationException: javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory]
          at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
          at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(
          at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(
          at javax.naming.InitialContext.<init>(
          at org.hibernate.util.NamingHelper.getInitialContext(
          at org.hibernate.connection.DatasourceConnectionProvider.configure(
          at org.hibernate.connection.ConnectionProviderFactory.newConnectionProvider(
          at org.hibernate.connection.ConnectionProviderFactory.newConnectionProvider(
          at org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory.createConnectionProvider(
          at org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory.buildSettings(
          at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSettings(
          at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory(
          at perseus.util.HibernateUtil.<clinit>(
          at perseus.util.HibernateDAO.<clinit>(
          at perseus.morph.ParseLoader.<clinit>(
      Caused by: java.lang.InstantiationException: javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory
          at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
          at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
          at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
          ... 14 more
      09:40:29,572  INFO Configuration:535 - Reading mappings from resource: perseus/document/Chunk.hbm.xml
      09:40:31,083  INFO SessionFactoryObjectFactory:82 - Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
      09:40:31,349 FATAL ParseLoader:306 - Unknown language code: Greek

    • Rashmi S

      Rashmi S - 2007-12-10

      Check your database to make sure the languages were actually loaded.  It looks like this is your problem.

    • Pieter W. Hemker

      I could run
           ./runjava perseus.morph.ParseLoader greek.morph.xml
          ./runjava perseus.morph.ParseLoader latin.morph.xml
      without second argument. I hope it will take the default/correct language.

      Thus far it seems that I could execute the instructions in INSTALL.html without fatal errors until "Installing Apache with Tomcat".
      There, having found the file "" in /etc/httpd , I could execute Step 2 in the Tomcat documentation.

      Now, I see instructions to modify the file "mod_proxy.conf",
      however, I cannot find that file in my system.
      Can you indicate where it should be expected?

    • Rashmi S

      Rashmi S - 2007-12-12

      Do a search for the file on your computer, as it could be in different locations depending on how you installed the Apache server.  If you don't have the file then you did not correctly install the proxy Modules as the file is automatically created when you do.  Other than that, I'm not sure I understand what problems you have run into under "Installing Apache with Tomcat."

    • Michael

      Michael - 2008-03-05

      Hello -

      I'm running Mac OS 10.5.2, and ran into (and resolved) many of the issues that Pieter found above. By utilizing findutils I managed to get through the ./runjava perseus.util.LanguageLoader properties/  successfully, but then run into the following issue when running ./runjava perseus.document.MetadataLoader --reload. It seems to run successfully up through and including login to mysql, and then throws the following error:

      classics.xml [loading]
      Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: build/document/catalog.xsl
          at perseus.document.StyleTransformer.getTranslet(
          at perseus.document.StyleTransformer.doTransform(
          at perseus.document.StyleTransformer.transform(
          at perseus.document.MetadataLoader.loadUncachedCatalog(
          at perseus.document.MetadataLoader.loadCatalog(
          at perseus.document.MetadataLoader.load(
          at perseus.document.MetadataLoader.main(
      Caused by: build/document/catalog.xsl
          ... 7 more

      I've been digging around in to ensure that hopper.catalog.files points to the correct location, and it seems to. catalog.xsl is right where it should be. Even after playing around with that, however, the command routinely results in the error above. I'm stymied. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!


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