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I think I fixed the problem. Since I don't know how to use
CVS, I'll just
provide you with the diffs:

There is only one small change:


*** TestRunner.pm 2001/03/06 04:45:54 1.1
--- TestRunner.pm 2001/03/06 04:48:02
*** 41,47 ****

sub add_pass {
! # in this runner passes are ignored.

sub create_test_result {
--- 41,48 ----

sub add_pass {
! my $self = shift;
! $self->_print(".");

sub create_test_result {
*** 199,205 ****
sub start_test {
my $self = shift;
my ($test) = @_;
- $self->_print(".");

--- 200,205 ----
