
#1 PerlQt with KDE 3.0.7 on MacOSX


I've modified the admin/ to include some fixes from the
KDE-Darwin tree, and rerun Makefile.cvs, which works fine.

I then ran configure and it gets most of the way
through (it seems), but dies with:

EXPORT_DOCKCLASS::~KDockTabGroup has no case \ number for sig=~KDockTabGroup() at \ line 1949.

(all on one line, but SF is notorious for formatting
these things weirdly)

Can I assume this is just a KDE 3.0.7-ism?

Is it possible to update the kalyptus in the tree from
KDE cvs without messing anything up?


  • germain garand

    germain garand - 2002-09-18
    • assigned_to: nobody --> germaingarand
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • germain garand

    germain garand - 2002-09-18

    Logged In: YES

    This is strange : it looks like kalyptus is parsing KDE
    headers, not just Qt headers...
    Remember this is PerlQt, not yet PerlKDE ;)

    Is it possible that your Qt headers would be mixed with
    KDE's in the same directory ?!?
    We didn't think about such a case... we would then need to
    setup a /^q.*/ regex on the header list in

    You don't have to update kalyptus, since the version in
    PerlQt is perfectly in sync with KDE CVS.


  • Benjamin Reed

    Benjamin Reed - 2002-09-18

    Logged In: YES

    Ahh, yes, that could do it if you're parsing every header in
    $QTDIR/include. Our build uses qt with a make install into
    our normal tree, so $QTDIR=$KDEDIR=$PREFIX.

    If you're reading that dir raw you're getting a bunch of
    other unrelated headers too, I'm betting. =)

  • germain garand

    germain garand - 2002-09-18

    Logged In: YES


    *strucking horror* you mean ALL your system includes are there ?
    mmh... ok... fine... why not... you are free to do it that
    way indeed...
    even if it sucks badly, not to offend ;)

    Then again your last chance to build is probably
    - && $filename =~ /\.h$/ ); # Not a backup file
    etc. Only headers.
    + && $filename =~ /^q.*\.h$/ ); # Not a backup
    file etc. Only headers.

    in /smoke/qt/, then run configure again....

    With a bit of luck you won't have any other q* header in
    your giant include dir...
    I'll see later if I can come up with a complete list of
    headers, but I hate it...
    Is it really the standard way of installing
    Qt/KDE/Everything on Darwin ?


  • germain garand

    germain garand - 2002-09-18

    Logged In: YES

    If it might help you to build in the mean time, my own
    system reports I have no other q*.h in /usr/include, and
    only one in /opt/kde3/include which is qxembed.h... so you'd
    need to add this name in the @exclude array in the same file...
    Just add a line like
    'qxembed.h' => 1,

  • Benjamin Reed

    Benjamin Reed - 2002-09-19

    Logged In: YES

    Oh, no no no, I don't mean we stuff everything in the system
    directory on MacOSX... =)

    That would be just evil.

    I package KDE/etc. for Fink, a "distribution" of open-source
    stuff that sits on top of MacOSX. It's only user
    applications and such, and we have our own root, so $PREFIX
    != /usr...

    I will be out of town for a few days but I will give the
    excludes a shot when I get back.

  • germain garand

    germain garand - 2002-09-19

    Logged In: YES

    Ah OK... you scared me ! :)

    I've just commited the new way of doing it to CVS
    (use a closed list of all Qt headers)

    Check it out and tell me ;)


  • Benjamin Reed

    Benjamin Reed - 2002-09-19

    Logged In: YES

    I had a chance to give it a shot before leaving. Your
    changes did it; thanks!

    I've now run into an internal compiler error, but this
    appears to be Apple's fault, so I'll have to get back to you...

    x_QTSManip.cpp: In static member function `static void
    x_QTSManip.cpp:10: Internal compiler error in
    simplify_gen_subreg, at
    Please submit a full bug report,
    with preprocessed source if appropriate.


  • germain garand

    germain garand - 2002-09-20
    • status: open-accepted --> closed-fixed
  • germain garand

    germain garand - 2002-09-20

    Logged In: YES

    >I had a chance to give it a shot before leaving. Your
    >changes did it; thanks!

    good, I'll close this one then

    > I've now run into an internal compiler error

    damn... hate them :-/
    Any chance it could work by just adding extra spaces in the
    relevant line ?
    Anyway, if you find a simple workaround in the syntax, tell me.
    And about the fixes to /Admin : are they mergeable with the
    tree or do you always apply those manually to all KDE
    buildsystems ?


  • Benjamin Reed

    Benjamin Reed - 2002-09-24

    Logged In: YES

    I just got back into town, so I haven't had a chance to play
    with making it happy by messing with the syntax.

    As to the admin/ changes, I have a bunch of fixes that need
    to go upstream, but they are currently maintained separately
    in a KDE-Darwin tree at The big thing that
    can't go upstream yet is libtool fixes, since the KDE guys
    won't take admin/ changes to libtool until they've gone
    upstream to the libtool guys first (so as to avoid the mess
    that admin/ was before 3.0 when it got cleaned up and

    As soon as I have the time to get things cleaned up for
    presentation to the GNU folks, I'm going to merge a lot of
    our stuff into mainline. Until then, we're gonna maintain
    our own tree for a bit.


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