
Data Partitions


sudo mkdir /mnt/DATA

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/DATA <-------- NOTE if using a NVME SSD for the OS, it is listed as /dev/nvme0n1p1 and the storage HD becomes sda1, lol

sudo chown -R cavy: /mnt/DATA <---- Note remove cavy with your username

cd /mnt/DATA

mkdir Documents Music Pictures Videos

cd /home

sudo nano /etc/fstab

# Mount DATA partition under /mnt/DATA (Include date Data Partition created for aide memoir)

UUID=xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx /mnt/DATA ext4 defaults 0 2  <------- NOTE replace the x's with your storage disk's UUID

NOTE remove directories before creating symlinks

ln -s /mnt/DATA/Documents /home/cavy <---- Note remove cavy with your username

ln -s /mnt/DATA/Music /home/cavy <---- Note remove cavy with your username

ln -s /mnt/DATA/Pictures /home/cavy <---- Note remove cavy with your username

ln -s /mnt/DATA/Videos /home/cavy <---- Note remove cavy with your username

As I use Firejail, it blocks all access to all other directories except the Download directory for downloading or uploading files. Thus leave it in the /home directory, and it does not list any of the content from these directories when using the upload page.