
Onionshare does not launch

  • cam

    cam - 2022-08-11

    The latest version of oniosnshare for Aug-2022 does not launch in peppermint but launches for other Debian based distro

  • KsWoodsMan

    KsWoodsMan - 2022-08-11

    Hmm it works as expected here.
    sudo apt update; sudo apt install onionshare will get all of the dependencies and install them

    Afterwards onionshare --stay-open ~/ loads the app, creates the unique URL and waits for a connection.

    Is it giving you any errors and where did you install it from ?


  • cam

    cam - 2022-08-12

    I get an error when executing your commands is not a valid file. is not a readable file.
    I downloaded through Software package

    • KsWoodsMan

      KsWoodsMan - 2022-08-12

      Again , What were the errors ?

      The proof of concept was that onionshare, from the Debian repos, would install and run correctly.
      Then it was - I could share the file.
      After 8-9 DL's of that file I was convinced it was working.

      There was nothing special about . It was just a file.
      If you are having trouble with some version from somewhere else . try uninstalling it before trying to use apt to install or go to the package maintainer for the software and inform them their app is not stand alone and has missing dependencies.


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