
Media player QMPlay2

  • OldTon

    OldTon - 2023-02-01

    I need to use QMplay2 .
    1--I can't find a debian/devuan package on the internet
    2--I have an AppImage, but don't know how to integrate it into the menu, so that peppermint recognises it

    Any tips ? ?
    Note: QMPlay2 is not < a preference>, but it's a must have .

  • Peppermint OS

    Peppermint OS - 2023-02-01

    OldTon for that app image you can create a desktop launcher for it.
    In general all desktop launchers are located in this path /usr/share/applications
    The file you create would be named yourapp.desktop

    In that file you want something that looks like this....this is the launcher for the welcome screen

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Welcome to Peppermint
    Name[en_US]=Welcome to Peppermint

    That gives you an example how to create one..
    Important things to pay attention to is
    path - where is Appimage located
    exec - what is the command to open it....... if you were to run the appimage from terminal that is what you put here
    Categories - that's where you tell it where to go in the Menu

    hope that helps you!


    Last edit: Peppermint OS 2023-02-01
  • OldTon

    OldTon - 2023-02-01

    Thanks for the info.
    I will try tomorrow morning first thing, and let you know

  • OldTon

    OldTon - 2023-02-02

    I am getting < nowhere > for now.
    I have done searches, and all I get is
    -- info on appimaged, which isn't in the repos
    - info from which is interesting
    - and a few more , of which I don't have a clue of what they say
    Maybe another day

    As far as the sample is concerned, I could't find anything I understand related to commandline.


    Last edit: OldTon 2023-02-02
  • OldTon

    OldTon - 2023-02-03

    OK, I am going to put this one on hold for a few weeks.
    My computer-access-time is limited to a few hours a day., temporary of course 1
    Till then

  • alynur

    alynur - 2023-02-04

    Is this what you're looking for? I just downloaded the appimage for QMplay2 and integrated it into my system, shows up under Multimedia. I have Appimage launcher installed already and it will integrate any appimage I want since I have clicked on "integrate into the system". Do you have Appimage launcher installed? If you can't find it in synaptic package manager, you can download it as a deb file.

  • OldTon

    OldTon - 2023-02-04

    @ alynur
    Thanks a thousand times.
    I have been looking for things related to < launching appimages > but it never occurred to me to search for a x.deb file. Silly me ! Getting old I suppose.
    Yes, I found that file, installed it, and all works OK on first time
    Thanks again

  • alynur

    alynur - 2023-02-04



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