
Steam game help

  • Rimana Nascimento

    Good night peppermintOS!!!

    I'm sorry for bothering you.

    Steam stopped playing my games recently, when loading the game the screen flashes and returns to the play icon without
    no reason, I use the experimental proton and others that were previously working perfectly without any errors.
    Can you help me with this little problem?

  • JonTheTwinsFan

    JonTheTwinsFan - 2024-06-28

    Hi. In my experience, this usually happened when I tried running games with the Nouveau driver instead of proprietary drivers. It might be a simple fix of updating the drivers for your graphics card.


    Last edit: JonTheTwinsFan 2024-06-28
  • Rimana Nascimento

    All my system drivers are up to date, I have Steam and Wine installed on the
    machine and I managed to solve it using some commands when starting Steam, which was this:
    PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%

    The game is "Master Reboot"
    This command worked by forcing OPENGL in place of Vulkan
    Proton Experimental


    Last edit: Rimana Nascimento 2024-07-12

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