
Flatpaks opening as blank boxes

  • Sleam-Punk

    Sleam-Punk - 2023-12-06

    Having an issue with a few flatpaks I installed over the last few days suddenly opening as solid black boxes.
    Im stumped, perhaps one of you knows what went wrong or how to diagnose and fix it.
    Screenshot of flatseal open on my desktop for attention I guess.

  • Steve MacLellan

    Steve MacLellan - 2023-12-06

    I've had the same issue the odd time. uninstalling it and then installing it again fixed the issue.

    • Sleam-Punk

      Sleam-Punk - 2023-12-07

      unfortunately the ol' re-install method does not seem to be working :(

  • Peppermint OS

    Peppermint OS - 2023-12-07

    Personally I do not use flatpaks but from what I read. Experiencing a black screen issue with Flatpak applications could be caused by various thins. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can take:
    Update Flatpak and Flatpak Apps:
    Ensure that you have the latest version of Flatpak installed on your system.
    Update the Flatpak runtime and the specific application you're having issues with:
    flatpak update

    Check System Requirements:
    Verify that your system meets the minimum requirements for the Flatpak application you are trying to run.

    Graphics Drivers:
    Make sure your graphics drivers are up-to-date. Outdated or incompatible drivers can cause display issues.
    Depending on your system, you may need proprietary graphics drivers provided by the manufacturer.

    Ensure that your user has the necessary permissions to run Flatpak applications.
    Check the permissions on relevant directories.

    Check system logs for any error messages related to the Flatpak application. You can use the journalctl command for this:
    journalctl | grep flatpak

    Reinstall the Flatpak:
    Try uninstalling and reinstalling the problematic Flatpak application (I know you did this already)

    flatpak uninstall <application-name>
    flatpak install <application-name>

    Known Issues:
    Check the Flatpak repository or forums for any known issues related to the specific application or version you are using.

    This may not be your case because we do not ship with wayland but......just for reference.
    Consider Wayland Compatibility:
    If you are using the Wayland display server, some applications may have compatibility issues. Try switching to the Xorg display server to see if the problem persists.

    Not a direct answer but maybe this can help find the issue.


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