

24 hours ago
14 hours ago
  • Eviglivnu I

    Eviglivnu I - 24 hours ago

    Wee. I installed peppermint os and when I try to install packages and web browser it opens a terminal but blocks the keyboard and I can't enter the password! Does anyone know what this is? Thank you and I appreciate it

  • Peppermint OS

    Peppermint OS - 14 hours ago

    When you're prompted to enter a password in the terminal, it may seem like the keyboard is not working, but this is actually a security feature:

    • Hidden Input: As you type your password, you won't see any characters or asterisks appear on the
    • Normal Functionality: Your keyboard is working fine, and the system is receiving your input
    • Security Measure: This behavior is designed to prevent others from seeing the length of your password.

    Please do the following when you are asked for your password

    • Type your password as usual.
    • Press Enter when you're done.
    • If there is problem the system will let you know,

    Hope that helps


    Last edit: Peppermint OS 13 hours ago

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