

  • dolphin_oracle

    dolphin_oracle - 2022-02-28

    test message. if this works, then all anyone needs is a sourceforge account.

    • Peppermint OS

      Peppermint OS - 2022-03-01

      Thanks for testing this out

    • MintSpider - Peter Paterson

      You passed.

  • rwcanuck

    rwcanuck - 2022-03-01

    Source Forge should work fine for the new home of Peppermint!

    • Peppermint OS

      Peppermint OS - 2022-03-01

      You are in the mods team now... your forums features should be updated next time you login Thanks!

  • Slim.Fatz

    Slim.Fatz - 2022-03-01

    Sort of a "pain in the eye" theme they have here. Can users select other themes?

  • Peppermint OS

    Peppermint OS - 2022-03-01

    Theme wise no not really whole lot you can do. its kind of out of the box...

  • Slim.Fatz

    Slim.Fatz - 2022-03-01

    OK. I'll just start wearing my sunglasses 8-)

  • Dan Kelly

    Dan Kelly - 2022-03-01

    I found my PeppermintOS friends new home. Awesome!

  • manuel rosa

    manuel rosa - 2022-03-02

    OK here

  • rwcanuck

    rwcanuck - 2022-03-03

    This page is much easier on the eyes with a firefox addon called "Dark Mode".

    Once installed you can go to preferences and select which dark theme you prefer. I liked the "Simple Dark III as it was the "warmest".


    Last edit: rwcanuck 2022-03-03
    • Slim.Fatz

      Slim.Fatz - 2022-03-03

      Thank you, @rwcanuck !! I already went that route and also like the "Simple Dark III".

  • dolphin_oracle

    dolphin_oracle - 2022-03-04

    did anyone get notifications of posts? I did not. I'm adusting some settings on my account and see if they shouw up

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2022-03-04

    @dolphin_oracle, you have to subscribe to the forum to get email notifications, by clicking on the envelope icon next the edit, follow this and subscribe at the top right of the "test page". There does not seem to be the Element notification style.

  • dolphin_oracle

    dolphin_oracle - 2022-03-04

    oooo adjusted my account to send me "everything". yeah, that's not happening! :)

    got the hang of the structure now though.

  • KsWoodsMan

    KsWoodsMan - 2022-03-04

    Hmmm I am certain I wouldn't want that clogging my inbox .
    But I might consider sending them as texts to a disposable phone number from a disposable account.


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