
Can't get Desktop Icons delete

Tony Grace
  • Tony Grace

    Tony Grace - 2024-07-30

    This is probably something simple, but how do you remove the icons on the desktop. I installed the gnome throwback edition.

  • Peppermint OS

    Peppermint OS - 2024-07-30

    Try this:
    You can use the gsettings command to modify specific settings. Here are the steps to follow:

    Open a Terminal: You can do this by searching for "Terminal" in your applications menu.
    Run the following commands:
    To hide the Home folder icon:
    gsettings set org.gnome.gnome-flashback.desktop.icons show-home false

    To hide the Trash icon:
    gsettings set org.gnome.gnome-flashback.desktop.icons show-trash false

    To ensure that all desktop icons are hidden, you may also want to set:
    gsettings set false

    Restart GNOME Flashback: After running these commands, it may be necessary to restart the GNOME Flashback session for the changes to take effect. You can do this with the following command:
    gnome-flashback --replace

    A few Notes

    If the icons still appear after these commands, ensure that there are no conflicting settings or extensions that may be overriding your configurations.
    You can check the current settings using:

        gsettings get org.gnome.gnome-flashback.desktop.icons show-home
        gsettings get org.gnome.gnome-flashback.desktop.icons show-trash

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