
User Manual for Thunar file manager 4.18.0 ?

  • Pierre Andre

    Pierre Andre - 2023-10-21

    As a PeppermintOS newbie (although an elder chap), I would like to obtain a hard copy of the contents of what Thunar presents via an online visit to the Internet. Is that a possibility? If so, how do I get a "User Manual" downloaded to my PC for perusal, study and daily use?

    Pierre Andre in Thailand

  • Pierre Andre

    Pierre Andre - 2023-10-23

    Marvel of marvels indeed! The 8 links above will certainly contain the information I would like to have handy and at my side when using Peppermint. Not quite the "User Manual" that I had in mind, but being an open-minded person, I suppose that I can create my very own "User Manual" in a sort of round-about fashion. I've already got the first link above into my computer and ready for printing. Only 7 more to go!

    Many thanks for the 8 links! This post also can now be be marked as "Solved" -- presumably when I get the process from a forum member.

    It's back to the important task of getting Peppermint connected to the Internet via the youtube video provided in a separate and earlier post. I've got my fingers crossed!

    • Peppermint OS

      Peppermint OS - 2023-10-23

      I like your Profile Avatar.... : -)

  • OldTon

    OldTon - 2023-10-23

    You also can use httrack to download the whole website of xfce
    I do that regularly (downloading other sites) and update every3 months or so


    Last edit: OldTon 2023-10-23

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