
NEW ICE Application Development Name

  • Peppermint OS

    Peppermint OS - 2022-06-08

    The Peppermint Team has been building the replacement for ICE, it is a bit of a different direction than the legacy ICE SSB Application, it is not required to have a specific web browser installed. And it is database managed rather than file based managed.

    Since the direction is a bit different for ICE, we are contemplating a new name for the ICE replacement. What would be a good replacement name ? For the ICE SSB Application

  • Darknetmatrix

    Darknetmatrix - 2022-06-08


  • rwcanuck

    rwcanuck - 2022-06-16

    This thread needs some action! Random yet meaningful ideas: Web Salad, Peppermint Fusion, Web Weapon, WebBase, PageBase, PepWeb, PIC (Peppermint Internet Catalog or Pep Internet Collector) , Webthing, urlwrangler(urlw), PIP (Peppermint Internet Protocol), HomePage, HomeBase, Should be food for opinions...

  • OldTon

    OldTon - 2022-06-16

    content removed


    Last edit: OldTon 2022-06-16
  • Peppermint OS

    Peppermint OS - 2022-06-16

    Hi everyone...Thank you so much to everyone who submitted names for the ICE replacement we landed on "kumo" some of our community members from Japan made the suggestion we thought it was a good fit.

  • Peppermint OS

    Peppermint OS - 2022-06-16

    Here is Screen shot

  • rwcanuck

    rwcanuck - 2022-06-17

    I like it. I was thinking spiders (Kumo in translation) but did wanted to avoid the associated creepiness a lot of people have about them.

    If I had known other languages were fair game...I would have had a few more choices to suggest! LOL!

    • Peppermint OS

      Peppermint OS - 2022-06-17

      Kumo is cloud in Japanese the kanji is

      • rwcanuck

        rwcanuck - 2022-06-17

        Whaaaat?? Kumo is not Japanese for spider? I guess not everything on the internet is true...

        "Cloud" is more appropriate anyway.

        • Peppermint OS

          Peppermint OS - 2022-06-17

          LOL I hear you....and you are not wrong but...... just a different kanji.....this is spider:
          蜘蛛 :)


          Last edit: Peppermint OS 2022-06-17
  • rwcanuck

    rwcanuck - 2022-06-17

    Can I suggest a two colour outlined font for better contrast of the name?

    I tried to attach a screen shot of my rendering that took exactly 18 seconds to make... I hope you get the idea.

    • Peppermint OS

      Peppermint OS - 2022-06-17

      Sure not a problem easy day-- thanks!

  • OldTon

    OldTon - 2022-06-17

    I support the suggestion of rwcanuck

  • rayzer

    rayzer - 2022-09-08

    gave that image above a shot


    Last edit: rayzer 2022-09-09
  • Peppermint OS

    Peppermint OS - 2022-09-09

    That looks good!....... Thanks @rayzer

  • Peppermint OS

    Peppermint OS - 2022-09-10

    @rayzer - Implemented - Thanks again for your kindess and time

  • rayzer

    rayzer - 2022-09-10

    i sent you a pm in case you dont see this sooner but double check the images as i had to reupload them due to an editing error i overlooked.

  • Peppermint OS

    Peppermint OS - 2022-09-10

    looks good

  • rayzer

    rayzer - 2022-09-10

    seems like a lot of wasted space around the icon, maybe open it in gimp then go to image > crop to content or zealous crop then overwrite it. that might scale it up a bit in the application


    Last edit: rayzer 2022-09-10

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