
#3 Inline images don't work ?

Interface (5)

The inline images are not showed correctly
(They are there in this feed e.g.
) I always see broken image picture.

Is it because I am behind a firewall which pears does
not and should know about ?

If I choose "Remove Images" options, it is correctly
displayed as image link and on clicking, it does take
to the correct image in browser.


  • Andrei

    Andrei - 2004-02-23

    Logged In: YES

    I don't know why the firewall would block images, but not
    the feed itself. Perhaps it just takes too long for you to
    download the images and the connection times out? Because it
    works here just fine.

  • Andrei

    Andrei - 2004-02-23
    • status: open --> open-works-for-me
  • Amit Chakradeo

    Amit Chakradeo - 2004-02-24

    Logged In: YES

    I don't think it's a timeout issue, I have quite a fast
    connection (corporate LAN). Can I add anything to add more
    debug output ?


  • Andrei

    Andrei - 2004-02-24

    Logged In: YES

    But the other side seemed pretty slow when I tried it on my
    1024 kbps connection yesterday - speed seems ok now. Could
    you measure how much time passes between you selecting an
    item and the appearance of the broken image picture in the
    text pane? You can use an ordinary watch for this, doesn't
    have to be accurate to the millisecond. If it's around 10
    seconds, the connection is timing out.

    You could also try this: go to the directory where you
    installed Pears. Start the program by double-clicking on the file instead of the "Pears for Windows.bat" file.
    The application will start up with a console. Now go to that
    feed and try to open an item with an image in it. Do you get
    any feedback in the console?

    If neither of the two above is the case, I'd like to know
    what versions of Python and wxPython you're using (you can
    look them up in the Pears about screen (F2)).

  • Amit Chakradeo

    Amit Chakradeo - 2004-02-24

    Logged In: YES

    I tried both your suggestions:
    There is no timelag between selecting item and displaying
    the item with broken image. It appears instantly.

    I tried the console method as well. I do not see anything at
    all (except for this startup message:
    <pearsapp.MainFrame instance; proxy of C++ wxFrame instance
    at _2d04fd0_wxFrame_

    Do I need any image parsing library installed ?

    Here are the version:
    python 2.3.3
    Pears 1.7 b13

    Which file is the code to display image by the way ? I am
    new to python, but it is quite readable, maybe I can spot

    When you say it works, did you check with proxies (and no
    direct connection ?)

    I will also check this at home where I have direct
    connection and report.

  • Amit Chakradeo

    Amit Chakradeo - 2004-02-25

    Logged In: YES

    Confirm that inline images work fine from home (without
    proxy server)

  • Andrei

    Andrei - 2004-02-25

    Logged In: YES

    There is no particular code responsible for image downloads,
    it's done automatically by the wxPython libraries (the ones
    responsible for everything else in the GUI) - in this case
    the wxHtmlWindow. Anyway, if it was a (wx)Python bug, you'd
    either get tracebacks or it would take some time for the
    image to appear.

    Regarding proxy: how did you get Pears to go through a
    proxy? It doesn't have proxy setup options. So I suppose
    it's either that, or the images are served on a different
    port, which is blocked by the firewall.

  • Jarek Zgoda

    Jarek Zgoda - 2005-02-25

    Logged In: YES

    As for proxy: it is sufficient to specify HTTP_PROXY and/or
    HTTP_PROXY_PORT environment variable and urllib will use this.
    See urllib documentation.


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