

  • Vali Schabi

    Vali Schabi - 2021-09-19

    I would like to add Peace to the winget package repository, but it's required to define a License for the package.
    Currently I can't find any mention of any license for Peace.
    For now I've set "Freeware"...


    Last edit: Vali Schabi 2021-09-19
  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2021-09-20

    The license is shown below the "Project activities" on the main page. Peace is distributed under the "GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)" license. Besides that, the Peace executables has a software certificate from Certum Certification Authority.

  • Peter Verbeek

    Peter Verbeek - 2021-09-20

    Btw. The license for any SourceForge project can be found below the Project activities.

  • Vali Schabi

    Vali Schabi - 2021-09-20

    Aaaaah I see. Thx


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