
Project Dune / News: Recent posts

Project Dune releases 1.6.3

Project Dune releases 1.6.3

This new release of the project fixes mostly installation issues, connection issues
and a couple of problems that occurred after the latest Hibernate upgrade.

See the release notes for details.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2008-08-24

Project Dune releases 1.6.2

This 1.6.2 release was created for dealing with some installation issues and contains some improvements here and there. See the release notes for full details.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2008-08-17

Project dune: 1.6.1 released

Project Dune is a software project management tool to manage your estimates, project information, issues, releases, scrum tasks, timesheets and test execution results. See the project site at for detailed features.

This release of the project fixes a couple of bugs and has a couple of new features, mostly user interface improvements. See the release notes for details.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2008-07-24

Project Dune releases 1.6.0

Project Dune is again released, this time version 1.6.0. It finalizes the transition to the new version of GWT (1.5). There are two incredible achievements for this release:

* The test module is done
* The navigation system has been redone, so that you can navigate to all the modules from any page.

The test module being done puts this project on track for a sequence of great improvements. This can only be realized if you help out in mailing us your requirements. Step into the forum at and have your say. Tell us what you need and we'll schedule it in for you.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2008-06-22

Project Dune releases 1.5.1

This release of project dune is a focus on a better theme, functional improvements to the timesheet (you can now submit timesheets to the project manager) and the upgrade to Google Web Toolkit 1.5.0. There are some other small minor bug fixes.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2008-06-16

Project Dune releases 1.5.0

The minor release number in this release changed, which generally announces a new milestone reached. This release includes an estimation module using Cocomo II. Not all features have been included yet and it will evolve over time, but you can already have a sneak peek.

Other fixes are UI related, some changes in color, layout and shaping.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2008-05-12

Project dune relleases 1.4.4

More installation issues fixed. Fixes deployment issue on Windows & Tomcat. Some very small functional improvements.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2008-04-16

Project Dune releases 1.4.3

A new release of Project Dune is out. This fixes a couple of bugs and some installation issues that were raised in this forum. See the release notes for details:

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2008-04-07

Project Dune releases 1.4.2

This release contains some new features and improvements to estimate indications. The estimate column is removed from the database and now you're required to add estimate numbers per activity. Another large difference is that the modules are wrapped up in a single module. This reduces the number of connections on the database, significantly reduces memory footprint and simplifies configuration.

On to release 1.4.3!

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2008-03-05

Project Dune releases 1.4.1

A new release of Project Dune is out. See the release notes of this package. New functionality is maintenance of "scope statements". These are statements that you can add to releases and that describe the scope of that release. Issues can then be associated with those statements. Eventually, you'll build a complete hierarchy for your release on issues, tasks and timesheet data. A new report was created to compare the estimates against actually logged time in the timesheet.... read more

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2008-02-24

Project Dune releases 1.4.0

A new release is out! And it's massive!

We initially built Project Dune from the perspective of internal users only. But now external users can also make use of issue management. This makes Project Dune suitable for opensource projects as well and to be hosted online. There is also an option to allow semi-anonymous users to make use of the site. They can login using OpenID. There's a special profile suited for them that assigns them slightly different roles. So registering with username/password just became a bit easier.... read more

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2008-02-17


A patch release was issued to deal with a problem in the web installer. Due to unexpected behaviour of the java environment, the configuration of modules failed. This is now fixed in the patch release, which releases the installer module in its entirety.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2008-02-11

Project Dune releases 1.3.5

This release contains a new method for deploying Project Dune very rapidly. There is a new "dune-install.war" file in the distribution. This is very useful for people that want to have a quick look and get up and running. Please look for the installation guide at and get cracking. You only need Java 1.5+, Tomcat 5.0+ and MySQL or Postgres installed.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2008-02-10

Project Dune releases 1.3.4

A new release was just issued that fixes the release creation problem. The project now contains a new module DuneWrite, where you can write requirement documents in HTML. The contents can eventually be exported to PDF at any point in time. Fragments of your document can be associated with issues in the system. At a later point in time, we are planning reports and additional functionality to actually do something with those associations.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2008-02-06

Project Dune releases 1.3.3

The customer functionality was split out and enhanced with journals. Project meetings can now be organized and emails sent out to all those involved.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2007-10-28

Project Dune releases 1.3.2

This release is a maintenance release. Included are experimental Atom 1.0 feeds for issue management. The GWT libraries were upgraded to version 1.4.59. The issue edit screen has been totally redesigned.

There is a new release notes report that uses an XSL template and can generate the notes in HTML or Text.

The documentation on the main website has been updated and a developer's guide was added.

We'd be very happy to receive your feedback on this release and the project.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2007-08-26

Project Dune 1.3.1 release

Minor fixes mostly in this release. One major point related to the windows install script, which didn't function properly.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2007-08-16

Project Dune 1.3.0: landmark release

Project Dune is a web-based issue tracker and a lot more. Integration with subversion or cvs, code inspections in the browser, SCRUM project management. Runs on MySQL or Postgres. We aim to automate the sw development process, from estimation to release.

It has been relatively quiet on the front of releases for project dune. This release has a couple of very interesting features on the offering:

- Entirely new and more consistent color scheme.
- Administration module for some tables
- Inspection module has been improved and separated
- Many fixes and improvements for the project.... read more

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2007-08-13

Project Dune releases 1.2.4

This release has a number of bug fixes and contains an Alpha version of the timesheet module. Please read the release notes before installation.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2007-05-20

Project Dune releases 1.2.3

This release fixes a couple of bugs and improves the documentation. Windows compatibility has been significantly improved for the subversion hooks.

This release also significantly modifies the database. Please see the UPGRADING text file in the distribution for more information on how you can upgrade existing databases and data.

As a final step, many databases besides mysql and postgres were added, those supported by the Hibernate project. Note that Project Dune has only been tested with postgres and mysql however.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2007-05-01

Patch release

The official release 1.2.2 missed an important configuration change in the hibernate file concerning the connection pools and reconnect. The pool was changed to use c3p0 instead and now reconnects properly.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2007-03-27

Project Dune releases version 1.2.2

This release adds connection pooling, reconnecting after broken connections, a null pointer fix, updates to documentation, better scrum report and internally, a separation of business logic and protocol-specific input handling.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2007-03-27

Project Dune releases version 1.2.1

We've worked towards a better installation process and providing better support for Windows-based computers. Some new features include inspection comment fields on causes and types, which are further used in a new report for inspections.

The installation now goes through an installer, which greatly simplifies the configuration process. For full details of changes, please see the release notes.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2007-03-20

Project Dune releases version 1.2.0

We've just released version 1.2.0 of Project Dune, which is absolutely full of bug fixes and new functionalities. Be sure to check out the RELEASE NOTES for more information.

New features include a separated mail queue, migration utilities to migrate from Bugzilla or Mantis, remember-me function with cookies, indexing of issues/customers/users with Lucene and improved styling for the SCRUM module.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2007-03-12

Project Dune releases Scrum project management module

Project Dune has just released a new version of the issue tracker and has included an initial version of a SCRUM project management module for easy task management. It generates burndown graphs for task and product functionalities. Other changes include support for MySQL. It has refactored the namespace of the code to net.sf.pdune. Check out the release notes for a full list of changes.

Posted by Gerard Toonstra 2007-03-02