
#20 Patch: add toolbar page navigation, and CMYK separations via Ghostscript

Unstable (example)

This is a patch, done in respect to revision r88 in SVN (PDF-Shuffler / Code / [r88]). The patch:

  • Adds a page navigation toolbar, with back, forward buttons and a text entry page number indicator (of the currently selected page)
  • Adds a CMYK separations toggle button, which opens a subwindow in the bottom half, and renders the CMYK separation by using Ghostscript (so you'd have to have Ghostscript installed on your machine to use this)
1 Attachments


Commit: [r88]


  • sdaau

    sdaau - 2015-05-06

    USing this PDF Test File, here is how PdfShuffler looks with this patch:


    Basically, add your PDF(s) through the + (Open and Append) button, then click the "Toggle CMYK separations" button. Once it's toggled, a pane will open up in the bottom half of the window. Then, make a selection of a page in the top (usual) pane - you can both make a selection as usual by left-clicking or keyboard arrows, and also through the toolbar back and forward buttons.

    The text entry indicates (local_current_page_in_doc): global_current_page_number / global_num_pages. You can erase this text in the entry, and then type a 1-based number with the meaning of global page number, and press ENTER - that too will make a new selection.

    Every time a new selection is made, and the "Toggle CMYK separations" pane is active, PdfShuffler will call Ghostscript, to render the separations of the current page in the PdfShuffler temporary folder, and then will display them as icons in the bottom pane. Since that process takes a while, it is indicated by showing the progress bare (althoguh, see the code, there is an alternative indication too). The command line used to call GhostScript can be edited inside the source code. Also, with this version, it seems that the sizes of the page thumbnail icons in the bottom pane, will follow the sizes set for the top, default pane.

    Anyways, if the program is still maintained, I hope functionality like this can be eventually added to the vanilla PdfShuffler. Also, sorry for the mess in the code in the patch (there are plenty of comments and verbose printouts)...

    But otherwise, all other default functionality of PdfShuffler should remain - and it should perform as it used to in r88...


    Last edit: sdaau 2015-05-06
  • logari81

    logari81 - 2015-05-07


    would it be possible that you rebase your patch to the current version that you can find in


  • sdaau

    sdaau - 2015-05-16

    Hi @logari81 - will definitely try to do that; but can't say exactly when - am kinda busy at the moment; may be a couple of weeks. Good to know an updated SVN in any case; will rebase to the latest version there once I have time. Cheers!

  • sdaau

    sdaau - 2015-06-18

    Hi again, @logari81, sorry for the late response. I tried this:

    git svn clone svn:// --stdlayout --prefix svn/ pdfshuffler_gna_sgit
    cd pdfshuffler_gna_sgit
    git log -1
    # Fix issues in Gtk+3 porting and drag and drop

    Ah, unfortunately I'm still on a GTK2 system (Natty), so I don't have GTK3 yet (I get ValueError: Namespace Gtk not available for version 3.0; NameError: name 'Gtk' is not defined).

    I could probably manage Python2 to Python3 transition now, but I cannot handle GTK2->GTK3 at the moment. If I eventually upgrade my system, I'll try to revisit this; but until I upgrade (which I'm not sure when it is going to happen), I cannot really do much, sorry... If someone else wants to take up the mantle in the meantime, they're welcome. Cheers!

  • logari81

    logari81 - 2018-11-18
    • assigned_to: logari81

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