
#25 Windows version


This is more a feature proposal than a feature request...
I have a working Windows version, if you are interested in.


  • Averell

    Averell - 2011-05-10

    Addition :

    there is an issue : when I close pdf-shuffler, the temporary file is not closed and the porogram generally does not close as well and must be destroyed. The error is the following :

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "E:\Mes documents\en cours\PdfBooklet\gtk-poppler\", line 329, in close_application
    File "C:\Prog2\Python26\Lib\", line 221, in rmtree
    onerror(os.remove, fullname, sys.exc_info())
    File "C:\Prog2\Python26\Lib\", line 219, in rmtree
    WindowsError: [Error 32] Le processus ne peut pas accéder au fichier car ce fichier est utilisé par un autre processus: 'c:\\docume~1\\dysmas\\locals~1\\temp\\tmpfue8a7pdfshuffler\\01_ExsultetLatinFran v2011.pdf'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "E:\Mes documents\en cours\PdfBooklet\gtk-poppler\", line 329, in close_application
    File "C:\Prog2\Python26\Lib\", line 221, in rmtree
    onerror(os.remove, fullname, sys.exc_info())
    File "C:\Prog2\Python26\Lib\", line 219, in rmtree
    WindowsError: [Error 32] Le processus ne peut pas accéder au fichier car ce fichier est utilisé par un autre processus: 'c:\\docume~1\\dysmas\\locals~1\\temp\\tmpfue8a7pdfshuffler\\01_ExsultetLatinFran v2011.pdf'

  • Alister Hood

    Alister Hood - 2011-05-11

    > I have a working Windows version

    Good! The linux world has 3 decent programs for shuffling pdfs, and I was lonely feeling like I was the only person in the world who'd run one in Windows :)

    Regarding the error, please see the link I posted at
    Essentially I think it can be avoided by compiling a patched python-poppler (or perhaps the patch is already in the latest version). If you do build a python-poppler with this fixed, please share it ;)

    You might also like to check the other tickets I posted here: I think I posted fixes for all the other issues on Windows, so you might like to check that you haven't missed any. I think the only other outstanding issue is a gtk bug which means you can't drag-and-drop between different pfshuffler windows.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello hoodbild,
    I am unable to build python-poppler for Windows, even the developer has problems to do so.
    The fix recommended in the bug report on launchpad did not work.
    So I fixed the problem in PdfShuffler itself :
    If pdfShuffler cannot delete the temp_tree, a file is written with the path. The temp_tree will be deleted on next run of pdfShuffler.

    Now a problem :
    logari81 was very clear in his answer :
    "There is no intention to support Windows. PDFShuffler is developed for POSIX systems."
    OK, underestood. A little disappointed because I had thought of a possible collaboration.

    But with the GNU licence, I think I can distribute a Windows' version on my own site here ( ? I would like to know if logari81 has any objection.

    Possible bonus : if I am free to make a fork, I can use PyPdf 1.13 instead of 1.10 and this will allow blank pages adding and things like that.

  • Averell

    Averell - 2011-05-11

    the last comment was from me (averell7). I didn't noticed I was not logged in

  • Averell

    Averell - 2011-05-12

    If you are interested, I placed the zip file in :

  • Alister Hood

    Alister Hood - 2011-05-13

    > The fix recommended in the bug report on launchpad did not work
    I thought the fix required rebuilding it, which you said you couldn't do...

  • Alister Hood

    Alister Hood - 2011-05-13

    I see on your site you've noticed a major problem with pypdf increasing the size of some PDFs massively. Presumably the same problem would occur with Pdfshuffler, so it is good to be aware of.

    BTW, have you seen this?

  • Alan Horkan

    Alan Horkan - 2011-05-21

    "There is no intention to support Windows. PDFShuffler is developed for
    POSIX systems."

    Maybe this statement is not as bad as it seems? They do not intend to develop for Windows does not necessarily mean they will not accept patches if others have done the work.

    The developer might not want to release versions of PDF Shuffler for windows but it is good practice and proper engineering to write portable code so I would be very surprised if the developers did not want to accept code that cleanly abstracted out file handling using "os.path" and other conveniences like that.

    If the developer is really not interested then maybe averell7 could you make a copy of the PDF Shuffler code in your project SVN and we could keep a branch with support for windows and linux there instead?

  • logari81

    logari81 - 2011-05-23

    hey, I hadn't seen this thread.

    If there is someone that can take over the maintenance of a windows version no problem to include it and accept portability patches.

    The only problem is that version 0.5 is a quite outdated code basis. There are uncommitted changes for 0.6 that introduce quite a lot of changes. Unfortunately still experimental.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    There is some hope with GObject inspection (.gir).

    Poppler can create gi typelib file. So python-gobject should be able to automatically import poppler gir stuff.

  • Averell

    Averell - 2011-06-10

    here are two versions which are Windows compatible, from 0.6 build 42 in svn and from 0.6 build 44

    42 Works fine in Windows
    44 has some problems when the document is opened, but this may come from the fact that this version is not finished.
    Anyway, you can see what is needed for Windows : I always added a comment : windows compatibility.

  • Averell

    Averell - 2011-06-10

    pdfshuffler 0.6 42 windows compatible

  • Averell

    Averell - 2011-06-10

    pdfshuffler 0.6 44 windows compatible

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    We have now finished a full Windows installer based on the version 0.6 revision 45. We sent it to logari81, and when he has revised it, I hope it will be published here.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Since it is not yet on line here, you can find the Windows installer on the site of pdf-booklet :


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