
#34 program freeze when trying to add a pdf file containing a % (percent) sign

v1.0 (example)

0.6.0 freezes on ubuntu (installed through the official ubuntu repo) when I'm trying to add a file containing the % sign in the filename.


  • mindestens

    mindestens - 2013-07-01

    is this a problem at the upstream version or shold I repost the bug at ?

  • Alister Hood

    Alister Hood - 2013-07-01

    It doesn't freeze here (Arch linux), but it doesn't load the file, and if loading from import dialog (rather than drag-and-drop) it makes the cancel button not work (but you can still close the dialog using the window manager close button).
    It also prints this to the terminal:

    glib.GError: The URI 'file:///tmp/tmpDO3ht9pdfshuffler/01_10.1.1.6%2.4358[1].pdf' contains invalidly escaped characters)
    • mindestens

      mindestens - 2013-07-01

      hoodbild, you're right: It doesn't freeze but the import dialog cancel button isn't working and I can still close the dialog using the window manager and prints to the terminal your mentioned message.

      On drag-n-drop, nothing happens (and nothing freezes) except printing the error message in the terminal.

      So, what's to do? Is it possible to change the code to correctly import files with an % in the filename?

  • Alister Hood

    Alister Hood - 2013-07-02

    [EDIT - double post removed]
    Sorry - I initially replied to the notification email, and then posted manually when it didn't show up :)


    Last edit: Alister Hood 2013-07-02
  • logari81

    logari81 - 2013-09-09

    Thank you for the report, now with revision 88, pdfshuffler at least catches the exception.


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