
#264 Reopening of "Maximizing the window"


> There is a keyboard shortcut (F11) on pcmanfm to toggle fullscreen mode in
> the Git repository. Test it, please, when that is possible, and if anything
> is wrong then reopen the ticket, please. Thank you very much!

It seems you have misunderstood me because this is a complete different feature. Maybe I should explain it with some screenshots to avoid communication problems.

This is the fullscreen mode with F11:

This is PCManFM with a maximized window:

This is how it looks after I'm closing PCManFM and opening again:

Compare the 2 last screenshots (look in the upper right corner) and you will see the difference. PCManFM doesn't store the information if the window was maximzed in the last session or not. But it tries to emulate it with win_width=1680 and win_height=1003 on my system. But there is a really big difference between storing the size of the window and the state of the window. For example if I would increase my resolution to a higher one PCManFM will draw only a window with the size of 1680x1003. I hope this are enough informations to understand what I'm meaning.


  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2012-10-06

    I understand your desire to get a difference between maximized and not but in real there is no big difference between maximized manually and with some window manager function. Also not every window manager supports such triggering therefore there is no plans to remember 'maximized' window state along with unmaximized sizes. And also window manager itself gives means to maximize or iconify the window so there is no reason to duplicate window manager buttons in pcmanfm. And pcmanfm remembers last window size, is it maximized one or not. Thank you very much.

  • Sworddragon

    Sworddragon - 2012-10-06

    I have difficulties to understand your post. Let's do it step for step:

    > Also not every window manager supports such
    triggering therefore

    Do you have examples of common window managers that doesn't support maximizing windows?

    > so there is no reason to duplicate window
    manager buttons in pcmanfm

    Why do you want to duplicate the buttons? This is not needed for this feature.

    > And pcmanfm remembers last window size, is it
    maximized one or not.

    PCManFM remembers the window size but not if it was maximized.

    I'm still unsure if you have understood what I'm meaning. Well the most applications are supporting this feature like FileZilla, Firefox, LibreOffice, SciTE and many more.

  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2012-10-06

    OK. What exactly do you want in pcmanfm? Make it explicit, please.

    About size. Currently pcmanfm remembers last window size. If window is maximized then it's size is size of desktop minus panels and other elements which reserve the space. It's still window but as big as all free space on desktop and pcmanfm still remembers that size, not previous one before maximizing. Many applications do the same, AFAIK. In difference to that, fullscreen is a special state of window and it requires special handling, which is implemented in pcmanfm now.

  • Sworddragon

    Sworddragon - 2012-10-06

    > OK. What exactly do you want in pcmanfm? Make it explicit, please.

    I tried already my best. But maybe I can find the related function from xlib which describes what I want.

    Edit: From I have found this: "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_{VERT,HORZ} indicates that the window is {vertically,horizontally} maximized."

    This describes what I want. It is just simple:

    If a PCManFM window is opened and the option maximize is set to 1 then use _NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_{VERT,HORZ} to the window.

  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2012-10-06

    Thank you but I haven't asked you what to do with the window. I've asked you what do you expect to see. It's still unclear for me. You want to open new window in maximized state if previous window was maximized, yes?

  • Sworddragon

    Sworddragon - 2012-10-06

    > You want to open new window in maximized state if previous window was maximized, yes?

    Yes, this is exactly what I want.

  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2014-01-01
    • assigned_to: nobody --> lstranger
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2014-01-01

    This feature is implemented in current GIT sources for PCManFM.
    Thank you very much.



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