
#981 recursive search

libfm (316)
Kay Schmitz

There is a problem with the search function in PCManFM 1.2.0 (Lubuntu 14.04) if you do a recursive search: If the search term is part of the name of a directory and that directory contains a file where the search term is also part of the name of that file, only the directory is listed as found, but not the file within that directory.


  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2015-12-21

    This is not a bug but a design since all files in the directory match the search criteria due to matched path so there is no reason to show them all, right? Although there should be an option to not include directories in the search but only files, which is missing now. Since 1.2 is closed for adding features, let add this into 1.3. Thank you very much.

  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2015-12-21
    • labels: --> libfm
    • status: open --> open-later
    • Group: 1.2 --> 1.3
    • Priority: 5 --> 3
  • nemoinis

    nemoinis - 2016-11-09

    I think maybe you should revisit that design decision. It's counter-intuitive ("if I search for something I expect all files and folders pertaining to that something to be listed") and it's also the opposite of what every other file manager/search tool does. And it makes your search tool less useful :(
    It should list all directories and all files whose NAMES (not PATHS) contain the search pattern. In fact the tool itself prompts for "File Name Patterns" NOT "Path Patterns".

    • Lonely Stranger

      Lonely Stranger - 2016-11-10

      Well, I'm sorry but you are wrong - it is exactly NAME of directory which is listed in search. The point of this report is search stops on that find and does not recurse into found directory with already matching name. And it's already said - it will be implemented, you just cannot request implementation right away, developers do all this work for fun in free time, and there is never too much of free time, as most of time is spent for paid work and for private or public life, so just be patient or implement it yourself. Cheers! :)

  • nemoinis

    nemoinis - 2016-12-17

    I'm trying to read where in my post I "requested implementation right away" but can't find it. Maybe you did not have the time to read my post fully.
    Don't bother implementing that feature for me personally: I'm doing the sensible thing and using Recoll for all searches. Cheers to you too!



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