
#950 Cannot define a custom app to open a file

libfm (316)

Currently using lubuntu 15.04 vivid.
Open pcmanfm
right click on video file
select "open with..."
select "Custom command line" pane
select another application to play the file
select checkbox "set selected application as default action for this file type"
click on close button.

Now the selected app will be used to play the video file.
If I were to click on the same video file, the original default player is used. Ie not my previously specified video player app.


  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2015-04-29

    Thank you very much for reporting this. I would like to see contents of the file ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list, please. It may be some bug in glib, that happened before and it might be not fixed yet.

    • bzb

      bzb - 2015-04-30

      There is no mimeapps.list. Here's what's in the directory...
      $ ls -l -a
      total 12
      drwx------ 2 wt wt 4096 Apr 28 13:29 .
      drwx------ 15 wt wt 4096 Apr 30 04:05 ..
      -rw------- 1 wt wt 324 Mar 12 18:03 chrome-nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda-Default.desktop

  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2015-04-29

    Ticket moved from /p/lxde/bugs/749/

  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2015-04-29
    • labels: --> libfm
    • assigned_to: Lonely Stranger
    • Group: --> 1.2
  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2015-05-19
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2015-05-19

    I hope this issue is completely fixed in the LibFM GIT repository sources. Try it when possible for you, please, and report back if something is still wrong. Thank you very much.

    Note that association will be not remembered even if you pin "Set selected application as default action for this file type" unless you set some name for it in the field right above that checkbox.

  • Lonely Stranger

    Lonely Stranger - 2016-02-21
    • Status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed


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