
php Class Generator - PCG / News: Recent posts

0.7 alpha Nightly Build

A demo of PCG 0.7 is now available on .
The GUI is now fully operational.

Posted by Cyril Janssens 2009-09-29

New release of PCG: 0.6

The new version of PCG has been released.
You can download it at this address :

PCG generate php5 object form database model.
In this new version a GUI is now available.

Please leave us your comments on our forum:

Posted by Cyril Janssens 2009-04-21


The start of the documentation is available on wiki trac system at this url:

Posted by Cyril Janssens 2009-04-16

First working Beta

The first working beta version can now be get on SVN repository.
Documentation will coming soon.

Posted by Cyril Janssens 2009-03-18