
Error at the support stage

  • Takako Mochizuki


    I have the error message at the support stage.
    ./RESULT/support/PacBio.fastq.err and Protocol.xml are below.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/home/xxxx/xxxx/PBSuite_15.2.20/bin/", line 868, in <module>
    main = Support()
    File "/home/xxxx/xxxx/PBSuite_15.2.20/bin/", line 804, in init
    File "/home/xxxx/xxxx/PBSuite_15.2.20/bin/", line 839, in parseArgs
    self.gapInfo = GapInfoFile(self.gapFileName)
    File "/home/xxxx/xxxx/PBSuite_15.2.20/pbsuite/utils/", line 228, in init
    curGap = Gap(*line.strip().split('\t'))
    TypeError: init() takes at most 6 arguments (7 given)

    <blasr>-minMatch 8 -minPctIdentity 75 -bestn 1 -nCandidates 10 -maxScore -500 -nproc 10 -noSplitSubreads</blasr>
    <input baseDir="/home/xxxx/xxxx/xxxxxx/">

    We sequenced the genome sequence two times by PacBio.
    The reference sequences (PacBio-illumina_scaffold.fasta) were hybrid-assembled by PBjelly2 with the scaffolds ( these were assembled with illumina sequences by the platanus and the opera ) and the first PacBio sequneces.
    And now, we tried to assemble the updated scaffolds with the second PacBio seqeunces and this reference sequences (PacBio-illumina_scaffold.fasta) by using PBjelly2.

    What do these error message mean?
    And What should I do to get the result file?

    Takako Mochizuki

  • Hannes Becher

    Hannes Becher - 2019-01-29

    I have the same problem. Has a solution been found since the last post?
    Many thanks!


    Last edit: Hannes Becher 2019-01-29

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