
FMLS - Helps the Pawn project.

The Swedish Association for Persons with Difficulties in Reading and Writing/Dyslexia - FMLS

FMLS has as its goal to actively support those who have learning disabilities in these areas as well as to safeguard and monitor their interests.

The Association is formed by poeple with difficulties in reading and writing
/ dyslexia themselves and is organised into about a hundred local chapters and county divisions. FMLS has currently 6.000 members. The main purpose is self-help and support. Information, meetings,
conferences, courses and social gatherings are common activities. Some chapters organize family-camps and youth activities. FMLS as organisation is acknowledged as a handicap organisation in Sweden. This means, for example, that governmental suggestions and investigations concerning dyslexia a.s.o. is referred to the FMLS for consideration.

Posted by Magnus Grander 2004-10-08

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