UlfK - 2006-07-07

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This is, I think, more difficult to implement like this
middle-site (is my opinion).

But I have a idea how to implement it:
the programmers can declare something like a list of
information (1., 2., ... or with '-'). Example:
- first
- second ...


1. first
2. second ...

And each list-element has something lik a headline. So the
headline is what you have to type in, the extra information
is what you have to "remember".

1. side of the card (question):
which are the three basic human blood corpuscles

2. back side:
- white
white blood corpuscle: what they do in the body ...
explanation ... etc.

- red
red blood corpuscle: ...


It´s difficult to implement I think, because you have to
write a syntax for it.
But maybe it´s easier to use XML. So you can put it like this.

<head elements ...
<list name="white">information ... what the corpuscle do
... </list>
<list name="red">...</list>


first side:

back side:


This would also be an idea how to impelement my explanation
for a syntax in the feature request: 844307
"Wiederholen durch Eingeben"