
#109 Make Study Time and Short Term Memory Different Entities


At the moment Pauker has settings for two times: ultra-short term memory, and short-term memory. If I set the short-term memory to 18 minutes, and study new cards, Pauker lets me study new cards for 18 minutes, and then checks what I remember. If I want to study less, I currently have two options: setting the short-term memory to say 2 minutes and compromising the algorithm, or when I feel that I've studied after say 2 minutes, I simply do something else for the remainder. Because I use multiple lessons in Pauker, I would love to use this time to study cards in other lessons.

So my suggestions are that: (1) you add a setting for study time. After the study time elapses, Pauker leaves cards I have newly learned in the short-term batch, but finishes (i.e. lets me do other things). If my study time is set to the same as my short-term memory, the Pauker would behave as it does now. (2) When the time is up for cards in the short-term batch, they expire as they would normally. (3) add a warning in the settings dialog when users enter a study-time smaller than the short-term memory, to the effect that they should revise expired cards in the short-term batch as quickly after they expired. This, to make them aware of the fact that revising after a day is far from ideal.

I think that in terms of programming, there is not such a big difference. Show the short-term batch in the open dialog (as you used to), allow learning to be stopped and lessons to be saved before the time of the short-term memory lapses.

I believe that this feature request also addresses requests ID: 1867130 and ID: 522119.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'd love to see this!


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Sourceforge.. Nice :)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Sourceforge.. Nice :)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Sourceforge.. Bang-up :)