
pastebot / News: Recent posts

Pastebot Snapshot Released: Security, Install Fixes

Pastebot accepts "pastes" through a web interface and announces the URLs where they can be fetched to IRC. An increasing number of technical channels use Pastebot to avoid the example spamming usually associated with questions like "Why doesn't this {code,configuration} work?!" It can also be used to share arbitrary text, and future plans include multimedia.

This release fixes several major bugs, including the installation procedure and a serious security issue. If you are running pastebot, please upgrade now. See the CHANGES file for details.... read more

Posted by Rocco Caputo 2004-10-14

New Pastebot Snapshot

Pastebot accepts "pastes" through a web interface and announces the URLs where they can be fetched to IRC. An increasing number of technical channels use Pastebot to avoid the example spamming usually associated with questions like "Why doesn't this {code,configuration} work?!" It can also be used to share arbitrary text, and future plans include multimedia.

This release introduces several requested features and fixes, one of them for a rather nasty bug. People using the Pastebot snapshot from 2003-10-31 or any CVS release thereafter are strongly urged to upgrade as soon as possible. See the CHANGES file for more information.... read more

Posted by Rocco Caputo 2004-05-14

pastebot 20031031 released

Pastebot is a single-process Web service and IRC bot that accepts multi-line "pastes" via the web and announces them (with their URLs) on IRC. This release introduces long-needed features, such as a persistent paste database and much nicer default templates. A bunch of bugs were fixed along the way. See the CHANGES file for more information.

An increasing number of technical channels use pastebot to avoid the example spamming usually associated with people asking "Why doesn't this work?" It can also be used to share arbitrary text, and future plans include multimedia.... read more

Posted by Rocco Caputo 2003-10-31