
#293 Groups


I'm Windows Ultimate 64 bit.
I can't add a group to the top level. It only adds to an already existing group. Went ahead added one and then added an entry. Save and exited app. Restarted. Expected the new group might move up. Didn't. Cannot drag and drop and can't find menu item to perform.


  • DrK

    DrK - 2011-04-21

    Works for me with v3.25 (also W7 Ultimate 64-bit). Which version of PWS are you using as some fixes in this area were added in this version?

    If a top level entry is currently selected, Edit menu -> Add group will add it to the top level. If another group or an entry in another group is selected then it will create a group at that level. If using a mouse, right-clicking below the last entry will also add it at the top level.

    Even though the entry you have created has its group too low down, you can edit the entry and change the group there.


  • Ken

    Ken - 2011-04-21

    This also happens with Windows XP. Using 3.25 Build 4042. Also no way to edit "Groups"

  • Ken

    Ken - 2011-04-21

    Sorry for the pieces.

    David, I'm at the top level and cannot create at top level. Doesn't work on my XP SP3 machine either. I have no option to edit a group. Can't find anything on "right click" nor can I find a tool bar button (even under customize tool bar.) I created a Group within a group to try edit.

    To get to version 3.25 I created a backup under my old version 3.12 and then did a restore. Is this the proper way to move up the chain. Please tell me it is as I can't remember which passwords I change or added since I'v been on the new version.

  • DrK

    DrK - 2011-04-21

    No need for backup and restore from V3.xx to V3.yyy. Just open the DB with latest version. If you use new features, then you won't be able to use them if you go back to an older version that does not support them - but you will not lose them they are just treated by the back-level version as 'unknown fields'.

    Re: Groups - I think you misunderstood. Groups do not exist in their own right. They only exist because an entry has a value in a field call "Group". This is useful for displaying in a Tree structure but that is all. We could (but wont) pick any string field to use for this.

    Groups are not stored in the database. The group structure is re-built when the database is opened just by looking at the group field in each entry read in.

    That being said, the way to change a group is to edit the entry within it and change the entry's group.


    PS. I can still create groups at the top level via the Edit menu ->Add Group when an entry at the top level is currently selected or when right clicking in the white space below the last entry in the database. In the latter case, you may need to make the window bigger to ensure that there is a big enough space there.

  • Ken

    Ken - 2011-04-21

    Pretty sure there is a bug here but thank you David for the comment on editing.

    I pusued this further and the work around is to create the Group and let it fall where it falls. Then create an Entry. Then to get to top level, edit the entry. In the group box there is a drop down box (if you have lots of Groups) but you are permitted to edit the actual line. Using your mouse position the cursor to delete the period and everything to the left leaving just the group name you wanted on the top level. Press apply and exit the "edit entry".

    As I started, I think this is a bug. As a feature add there could be an "Edit Group" capability or a top top group so the new entries would appear on the same level. The add group did work differently in earlier versions and while okay for those technically inclined (or those like me who ask for help and are stubborn my nature) general users will quickly bail.

    David thanks for the help. If more details are required on my systems or my deployment I would pleased to supply.

  • DrK

    DrK - 2011-04-21

    Sorry - I can't debug a problem I can't reproduce :-(

    Again, there will not be a feature to edit a group - because they don't exist! They are 'manufactured' from entries that have that particular value in a field called group.

    There is a "rename group" feature because this just requires changing a field in all the entries with this value.


  • Ken

    Ken - 2011-04-21

    Thanks. I'll try your white space trick. I'll also try the rename menu item but I think when I did that it didn't show the full name with the parent.

    Again, thank you for the help and the very speedy response.

  • DrK

    DrK - 2011-04-21

    No rename won't do what you want - only the current node.


  • Ken

    Ken - 2011-04-21

    White space add works beautifully. Big window, right click well under entries, select add group.

    Very cool. Thanks

    By any chance is anyone working on a Blackberry version of Pasword Safe?

  • Mike Zandvliet

    Mike Zandvliet - 2015-02-25

    I am using Password Safe 3.35.01 and found the same problem. No matter what, I could not create a group at the top level, despite there already being many such groups in our team database.
    In the end I simply chose Add Entry and then typed in a new Group name, and made a dummy entry. That worked.

  • rafaelx

    rafaelx - 2023-06-08
    • Status: open --> closed

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