
#727 Default email address


I would like to request a default email address option. It should operate in a similar manner to the default user name option.

I first asked in the discussion forum:


Discussion: Default email address


  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2014-01-11
    • assigned_to: Rony Shapiro
  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2014-01-14

    On second thought, why not just put in your email address as the username for the entry in question?
    This would allow the default autotype string to be used (username, tab, password, tab, enter).

    The email field was written with the email of the website in mind, e.g.,, which is why there's a Send button next to it. In this context, a default e-mail address doesn't really make sense.

    To summarize, having both a default username and default email address seems to me to be more confusing than useful, but I'm willing to be convinced otherwise.

    • Geoff

      Geoff - 2014-01-14

      In all the years of using PasswordSafe I had never realised that is what the e-mail box was for! I use it to remind myself which e-mail address I used when I signed up, somehow missing the send button and not thinking about why it's there!

      Sorry Rony, seems I am not paying attention. However following your use case for the field then a default address makes no sense at all. Although you could change this feature request to "adding a new field for e-mail address used to associate with account and allowing a default value".....

  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2014-01-14
    • status: open --> wont-fix
  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2014-01-14

    Closing this as "won't fix", then.

    I've updated the online help, describing in more detail what the e-mail field is intended for.

  • Perry

    Perry - 2014-02-27

    This is kind of crazy. Like James and Geoff, it never occurred to me that that was what the email field was intended for. Seems like a very low-percentage use. But I'm certainly glad it's included, as I, like them, found it incredibly useful in storing the email address associated with the account. (Many, if not most, of my accounts require not just an email address but a unique username as well, meaning I cannot use the email in the username field.)

    I agree with James that it would be useful to have a default email address option. Just because the email field was intended for the website email, I don't see why that should keep it from being used for this decidedly more useful purpose.

    Would you consider re-opening this ticket?

    I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of users are in the same boat we are...using that field for the email address associated with the account.

  • JackG

    JackG - 2014-08-01

    I would second the request to re-open this ticket. Perry makes a really good point.

    You can mark me down as one more user who had no idea that "email" field was supposed to be for contact info of the webmaster. I have a ton of accounts that require a unique username in addition to the email address associated with the account, so that email field is invaluable for me, as I would have no way of keeping up with which email address I used to sign up for which account.

    But for someone who uses the same email address for every (or most) accounts, being able to set a default (like the default username) would be pretty useful. I could see myself using this.

  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2014-08-13

    OK, will consider this for a future version.

  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2014-08-13
    • status: wont-fix --> accepted

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