
#726 XML import to use 'variables'


I'd like a method to copy various password entries to other users, WITHOUT copying the password, and resetting the username.

I've created various entries for various systems, and some have customised autotype options. Rather than sharing these by sending an email and saying 'create an entry with these settings', I'd like to be able to send out XML file (exported copies of my own entries) that other users can import and set to use their own username & password.

To this end, I'd like to edit my exported XML and remove the 'password' entry (or change to some invalid default) and also change the 'username' entry to some variable value that is detected by the import process, and replaced to the importing users default username.

Thus allowing me to share my configuration publicly, without sharing my login details.


  • Dave Griffin

    Dave Griffin - 2013-11-07

    If possible, the 'export to XML' option would have tickboxes to specify whether I wanted to include my username / password in the export.

  • DrK

    DrK - 2013-11-13

    You can use the Advanced Field selection on the first Export dialog to specify exactly what fields are exported. Since the resulting file is expected to be used for a future import, both mandatory fileds (Title and Password) are always included. You could always change this Feature Request to request that even these are allowed to be excluded, although there is a danger that a user may do this when they had intended the file to be re-imported elsewhere. This would of course now fail if they do not manually edit the resulting XML file.

    NOTE: Text Export does not have the requirement for the mandatory fields to be included (this may be an oversight and could change) and so you could use this instead to restrict what fields are exported, again via Advanced Field selection.

  • Dave Griffin

    Dave Griffin - 2013-11-14

    Thanks, the export isn't the issue, it's the import of the final xml however.
    I'd need the import to handle not having a username/password field, or preferably the import detecting that these are not present or are some pre-defined format, and defaulting them to some appropriate local string (default username of importer, some default/dummy password that should be reset manually).

  • DrK

    DrK - 2013-11-14

    Then the import will currently fail as Password is a mandatory field (no issue with no Username).

  • Dave Griffin

    Dave Griffin - 2013-11-14

    Aye, hence the feature request ;-)
    I'm trying to work my way through the code to see if I could provide a patch for this myself - make the import use the default username and a dummy password if these are not present in the xml.

  • DrK

    DrK - 2013-11-14

    You will have to change the XML validation routines as they insist both mandatory items are there. Not a good idea for all imports necessary.

  • Dave Griffin

    Dave Griffin - 2013-11-14

    Yes, would ideally have a prompt asking whether the missing entries should use default, a new value (ideally - to enter your own password), or reject the import... that would however need a fair bit more familiarity with the code than I can afford to spare right now.


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