
Leaping Back to Beginning after an Add/Duplicate

  • Gary Mugford

    Gary Mugford - 2014-09-21

    I know there HAS to be a setting for it, but I'm going batty adding entries into PasswordSafe or using the Duplicate function. After the addition/dupe, the VIEW of the database always reverts to the beginning. I can scroll down and see the still selected entry. Or I can type a letter and get there quicker, depending on where in the alphabet the first letter is.

    I am using Windows 7 x64. I use Flattened View with a classic toolbar. There are no filters. It's an at-home machine with one and one only user. It's actually more of a database program than a real safe. I don't even use the group field at all. So, it's a click on the plus icon to add, fill in the title, Username and Password fields on the form and okay it. Suddenly, I'm looking at my entry for "" instead of "March Madness CBS" and it's nearby neighbours. Arrrggghhh!

    What did I miss? It's not the save data immediately box for backups. Still jumps with either a check or not. I haven't found any posts searching through the discussions, so it's not annoying other people. It has to be a setting, doesn't it?

    Thanks to anybody who can remove this itch. GM


    Last edit: Gary Mugford 2014-09-21
  • Deepak Khosla

    Deepak Khosla - 2014-09-28

    Same issue here. Very frustrating esp. with a lot of groups. Further, it seems to randomly open other folders when it returns after editing. It is also slow in updating after edit even with local files.


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