
Password Safe and Windows 10

Ed Y
  • Ed Y

    Ed Y - 2015-08-02

    Does Password Safe play well with Windows 10??

    • Norm Grande

      Norm Grande - 2015-08-04

      I have been using it for the last month on the Technical Preview with no issues.

      • Ed Y

        Ed Y - 2015-08-04

        Thanks for the info.

  • Dale Dewing

    Dale Dewing - 2015-10-27

    The only problem that I have had is that when I tell it to browse to URL I get a window asking me what program to use to open this. I normally use Firefox so I check always use this to open, but it still asks me every time.

  • DrK

    DrK - 2015-11-04

    There are issues with using the Dragbar and MS Edge - basically it doesn't support Drag & Drop. Internet Explorer is fine. However, MS has fixed the issue in the latest Technical Preview. I believe that MS is releasing this to the retail version sometime in November 2015.

  • DrK

    DrK - 2015-11-13

    The lastest WIndows 10 Update - Version 1511 (OS Build 10586.3) appears to have resolved the Dragbar issue using MS Edge browser.

  • Michael Kelly

    Michael Kelly - 2015-11-24

    I found that I had to change the default notifications state to get it to show properly in the tray. The trick is as follows:
    1. Right click in task bar
    2. Select Properties
    3. Click Customize button to hte right of "Notification area" in the dialog
    4. Click "Select which icons appear on the taskbar:"
    5. Change Password Safe from Off to On.

    While there, you can adjust others as well to suit your taste.

  • Michael Kelly

    Michael Kelly - 2015-12-08

    Another Win 10 issue - it seems to randomly exit. About half the time I go to look for it, it's no longer in the tray. Going to Task Manager shows no process running. Seems likely this is a crash for some reason or another. If I relaunch it, it's fine for several hours, then disappears again. Happy to help diagnose this if anyone has tips.

    • Rony Shapiro

      Rony Shapiro - 2016-12-10

      Sounds like something we've fixed recently, if "randomly" could be when the program minimizes when you have an entry's window open.

      Suggest upgrading to latest & greatest - 3.41 - and checking this out.

  • klaypigeon

    klaypigeon - 2016-12-10

    I cannot access my safe file on my NAS. I store it there so I can share with my wife. Fresh install of Windows 10. My NAS is available and usable and I can browse to my safe file with Password safe, but then I get a "File or Path not Found" when I try to open it.

    I installed with the "Just for Me" option and I can open the file if I copy it to a location on my C:\drive.

    *** Issue resolved. I had to delete my account on the NAS and recreate it. I think there was some issue due to using the same account name on a new machine, but who knows. Its working and who has time to deep dive resolved issues?

    @DrK - Good to know about the application mini-dump. Thanks. I was getting nothing useful back from procmon. It was really just an access denied, but I think it had something to due with attributes rather than acls.


    Last edit: klaypigeon 2016-12-10
  • DrK

    DrK - 2016-12-10

    If there were an application crash and PWS can trap it, there should be a mini-dump (File name starting with "PWS_Minidump" followed by a time stamp) in your temporary directory. You can find the location of this directory by opening a WIndows Command Prompt and using the command "set" to list all environmental variables.

    If nothing is there, then the Windows Event Viewer may provide some hints. Look in "Application" in the "Windows Logs" or make a Custom View by right-clicking on the Application logs and selecting on Critical and Error events. Then look for the time period you believe it crashed.

  • Carlos Emir Macedo

    I use PWS for several years. No problem in any SO, except Windows 10. I have 3 virtual desktops. Sometimes PWS is there, but doesn´t allow me to open it. Looking at the task manager, it shows as the input password window is opened, awaiting for me to input password and access it. But it is nowhere. So I have to kill PWS through task manager and restart it. It is happening a lot.
    I've realized it is more frequent when I create/delete virtual desktops. Is somebody facing the same behavior?

  • MrMe

    MrMe - 2017-01-26

    I haven't been using multiple desktops, but I have verified the reported behavior under windows 10 when using multiple desktops. It only occurs for me if 'Put icon in System Tray' is enabled in Options. When the database locks on idle while I'm on a different desktop than the one Password Safe is running under, a right click on the icon in the system tray and selecting Restore or Unlock Safe does not work from any desktop. The windows Task Manager shows that Password Safe is running and under the Password Safe application is 'Enter Safe Combination' window. End Task for the Password Safe application from within the Windows Task manager has to be used to close it.

    If I'm not using 'Put icon in System Tray', I can be on any desktop and click on the Password Safe icon in the taskbar and it takes me back to Password Safe on the desktop that Password Safe is running under without any issues.

    • Adrian Pronk

      Adrian Pronk - 2021-02-24

      I've also had the problem of the off-screen password prompt when using multi-desktops.
      I've found I can give focus to the password dialogue if I minimise every other window on the same virtual desktop, I just can't see what I'm typing.

      If I type the password and press Alt-Tab, the window previewer shows that the dialogue now has the password in its input field.

      Has anyone tried using AutoHotKey to move the password-dialogue back on-screen?
      I might give that a go if I can figure out how to do it.


      Last edit: Adrian Pronk 2021-02-24
      • Eric Baatz

        Eric Baatz - 2021-03-31

        I've just started using virtual desktops in Windows 10 and ran into these issues. Very mysterious and frustrating. But, thanks to MrMe's and Adrian Pronk's insightfulness, I'm managing. So, thanks guys. Sharing does make a difference, even though you probably don't hear about it often.

        There is a question still hanging around. "Where" is PWS when it is accepting input but can only been seen by things like Alt-Tab?

  • DrK

    DrK - 2017-01-27

    We have not coded any specific support for the WIndows 10 Multiple Desktop feature. We support the currently supported versions of Windows (Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 & Windows 10) and we produce one version that will run on all these. To support new features as they are added would imply creating 4 different versions each adding support for the specific new features introduced for each later Windows release. It is not just disabling unsupported features depending on the current user platform as it requires different versions of Microsoft libraires for different Windows versions. I do not know of any such plans at this time to do this.

  • Carlos Emir Macedo

    DrK, I totally understand. Since MrMe provided a workaround, I´ve been using it without any issues. Thanks guys

  • MrMe

    MrMe - 2017-02-03

    A few observations about multiple virtual desktops and Autotype.

    Password Safe and the Browser should ideally be in the same virtual desktop, otherwise your Autotype will not end up going to the Browser.

    Also if you use 'Browse to URL' while the default Browser was already running in a different virtual desktop than Password Safe, your desktop will switch to the desktop where the Browser is running and the URL will open in the Browser (in a new tab most likely) on that desktop.

  • John D. Gwinner

    John D. Gwinner - 2021-09-15

    I can confirm the problem with the System tray icon, auto-time out, and Windows 10.

    It also breaks in Windows 11.

    I realize there's no specific support for windows 10 vs. 7, but I have a hunch that some callback or handle isn't being set properly; so far, it's the only app that has a system tray icon that breaks like this.

    Same symptoms as @carlos mentions.

    == John ==

  • MrMe

    MrMe - 2021-09-17

    Earlier in this thread @Adrian Ponk suggested trying Application Hot Key when using multiple desktop. I thought that was a good idea, so I tried it while using 'Put icon in System Tray' option. It might work well enough for you if you don't mind the caveat. What I've observed is that as long as Password Safe (PS) is minimized to the system tray while there was no other window that the application can spawn open, you can at any time, from any other desktop, use the Hot Key to bring up Password Safe and do what you need to do on that desktop with PS and if PS then minimizes again while there was no other window that the application can spawn open, you can continue doing this process with no issues for as long as you want.

    A couple examples of behavior you could experience, none a show stopper in my opinion, if above is not followed to a tee are:
    1/ if on the desktop PS is open, the Edit Entry screen for example is also open and you switch to another desktop while this was the case but PS did not yet lock on idle (if it locked on idle it would minimize to tray), if you use the Hot Key on the new desktop, in this case you will be switched back to the previous desktop
    2/ PS Password Entry Screen is waiting on input for the password. If you switch to another desktop during this period, on the new desktop the Hot Key won't do anything. You'd have to go back to the original desktop to enter the password or while on the new desktop, wait for the idle timeout and then use of the Hot Key on the new desktop will bring up the password entry on that desktop
    3/ I'm not actually sure how I had gotten into this scenario, but I've seen that if PS Password Entry is is showing in Windows Task View and their is no desktop that the Password Entry screen will show up in, you can actually click on it in the Windows Task View and start typing the correct password on the keyboard but you won't see any indications of this and then PS will actually open in the desktop it was on. Finally, if there is any scenario where PS seems stuck, you can simply use Task Manager to kill the PS application.


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