

  • mstellmacher

    mstellmacher - 2007-11-09


    for some years I am using password safe without any problems (on W2K) and I would like to say that I appreciate your work very much.

    But now I have two reasons to switch to a platform independent version. The first one is that I bought a Sony Ericsson M600i with Symbian OS and the other is that I would like to switch my PCs to Linux.

    I was quite happy to find the SWT version in this project, but:

    1. As I tested the binary version I was wondering if it isn't possible to hide the notes. Did I missed an option? In neither view they are hidden. The Windows version displays only the first line and it is no problem to keep secrets secret in the following lines. In thr actual version the notes are even hidden in the edit dialog.
    2. After getting the 0.6 source code I struggled for a while before I succeeded in building the project with Eclipse. Is it really not possible to build a platform independent SWT application? Is there no abstraction layer which selects the correct SWT native binary?
    3. I wasn't able to find the source code of passwordsafe-lib.jar and Eclipse complains about the missing project... Is this part closed source?
    • David

      David - 2008-11-29

      a little update concerning PasswordsafeSWT:

      The Java part has been migrated to an own project:

      V 0.7 Beta 2 was released 3 weeks ago, V0.7 beta 3 is on its way.


    • toto-1234

      toto-1234 - 2008-05-19

      I'm in exactly the same case. My psafe3 file has grown quite large, and I use it all the time, on any platform. By the way, most people now have a java-powered cell-phone they take everywhere around. I have seen some tries to implement a password safe program for mobile platforms. I would really support such a direction for the PasswordSafeSWT project, trying to keep the cryptography behind, and re-engineering the GUI to fit small screens.

      How much impact would such an initiative have?

    • Peter Woodman

      Peter Woodman - 2008-07-17

      passwordsafeSWT seems to use JNI, which rather kills the cross-platform angle.. current .dmg does not work on current mac os X.

    • ralzod

      ralzod - 2008-07-18

      I hate to be negative, but there has been no obvious activity on the PasswordSafe SWT port in over a year. Not since the .7 beta was pre-announced on this forum, but never actually released (as far as I can tell):

      The beta builds do exist on the author's site, but there is no evidence of updates since November:

      Not to discredit Glen. I believe he was a one-man show for the Java port, and it appears from his blog that he is very busy on other projects. I loved using PasswordSafe under Windows, but I had to migrate to a cross-platform competitor (KPX) to maintain interoperability and usability between Win, Lin & Mac. (I've stayed on this mailing list out of hope for renewed activity.)

    • Chris Rodgers

      Chris Rodgers - 2008-07-28

      What is KPX? I googled it and came up with things like KPX Tractors, KPXMotors, KPX Travel, and even Korean Power Exchange, but I did not notice anything like Password Safe...

    • ralzod

      ralzod - 2008-07-28


      (Check their forum for a Perl script that migrates PWS databases.)

    • Paul-Joseph de Werk

      I've used KeePass and PasswordSafe. I prefer PasswordSafe's functionality better.

    • blade

      blade - 2008-08-24

      roboform is good too, very smart about filling out the forms. but I came back to passwordsafe.


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