

  • Bingo

    Bingo - 2012-10-30

    Many sites have challenge questions and images that must match a keyword as part of their security. Sometimes I use incorrect answers in my challenge questions so someone cannot look up readily available information about me and properly answer the security questions.

    At present I can note the answers in the notes section, but you might consider incorporating such formally into future releases.

  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2012-10-31

    I always make up answers to these questions, and keep them in the Notes field. Since they're so varied, I don't see how this can be better formalized. If you have a more specific idea, I'd be glad to hear it.


  • alan

    alan - 2012-10-31

    I always generate random strings for these using the "Generate password" function.
    For each institution, I create a group and place them as entries under the group.

    I have a group named "MyBank" with entries named ...
    - "MyBank-1PW" containing the password
    - "MyBank-MN" with a memorable name
    - "MyBank-LS" with the name of my last school (the YTKVgVR%AFwfGc6 high school!)
    etc. etc.

    The password entry is called "1PW" so it always appears first, and that is the entry that contains the auto-type string, URL and any other notes I need.

    Just my little system!


    Last edit: alan 2012-10-31
  • Mark Kaprielian

    Mark Kaprielian - 2012-10-31


    How about 3 pairs of fields below the notes in the dead space currently there. Make the left column about 2/3rds across, the right column the remaining space.

    You could put a button next to each that copied to the clipboard the challenage answer.

    Since my suggestion is to add feilds, I would add one more row here for a total of four. I like to keep the date when I created the password and a date for when I last updated it. I am aware of the modification date on the other tab. I find that I never go to the other tabs.

    Another useful field would be phone number to
    A - keep it out of the notes field
    B - make it easy to copy out for use in skype (add a copy button)


  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2012-11-01

    Kudos to Alan for a nice system under the existing framework.
    Although adding fields, as Mark suggests, is pretty straightforward, I really don't want to clutter up the dialog boxes any more than they already are. Need to think about this a bit.

  • Bingo

    Bingo - 2012-11-03

    Thanks for replies. Alan's system would work, but is problematic given the number of accounts I have.


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